The Hunt

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AN: Gaston (16) and Lefou (14) are teenagers and struggling with their emotions

"Lefou!" Gaston yelled motioning his hand for Lefou to come over
Lefou hopped over trying his best to climb the hill to stand beside Gaston, trying look up at the taller man without looking to tired from his hike up the hill
"Yes Gaston" Lefou enthusiastically yelped, sparks in his eyes like a puppy happy to be of some assistance to his friend
Gaston looked at Lefou with a slight smile "You should come hunting with me and papa" Gaston said with a bigger smile on his face looking down at the village below them
Lefou looked a bit puzzled at first at the sudden phrase but then a small smile appeared on his face after realising what had been said, he can finally be of some assistance to Gaston.
"Ok in the morning at sun rise be ready, me and papa will come to pick you up" Gaston smirked with tints of red on his cheeks
"Ok!!" Lefou practically screamed with a big smile on his face "I'll see you then"
Gaston looked up and saw that it was getting dark so he decided descend the hill to head off home, Lefou waddling besides him trying to keep up with Gaston's long stride

"Lefou!" Gaston yelled, banging on Lefous front door with such a force that the door looked like it would break off its hinges
Small steps could be herd from the other side of the door like a little puppy running to its owner, the door swung open and Lefou jumped out with his bag on his back and a big grin on his face as big as the sun, Gaston beamed with happiness at the sight of his friend all packed and ready to go hunting with him. Gaston's dad had a horse ready for Lefou, a big and strong horse with a brown mane but not nearly as big and strong as Gaston's horse which was much much bigger then his horse much like Gaston him self.

After a while of ridding Gaston's Dad decided it's time for them to stop and rest for the day ahead so they can wake up early in the morning and be ready to bag a big prize for the whole town to gawk in aww at. Gaston and Lefou begun to undress behind the tent they had set earlier in the day. They both face outwards of each other when Lefou turns around to talk to Gaston but instead he gets an eyeful of Gaston's manliness, his large muscles and his rippling abs, Lefou stands there in aww at the perfect specimen in front of him, he kept staring without realising that he might have been drooling and that Gaston had probably noticed that he was staring since he starts to turn around to see Lefou half starring at him, Gaston tells Lefou to stop staring in which he quickly turns back around and continues to change into his night outfit.

The next morning Gaston wakes Lefou to get ready for the day, they grab their gear and start to head out to hunt, Lefou watches as Gaston and his father take small light steps as to not scare anything away, Gaston stops abruptly which causes Lefou to bump into him, falling backwards before he hits the ground Gaston manages to grab Lefous hand to stop him from falling, causing Lefou to make a loud noise which luckily doesn't scare away the buck they were hunting.
"Ok be careful boys" Gaston's dad whispers trying to be as quiet as possible watching as the deer they were hunting had run away but luckily another deer not as big and strong as the other one is not to far off in the distance and hasn't noticed their presence yet.
He signals for Gaston to come up and hands him his gun to point at the deer
"Careful Gaston, point right at the deers heart and pull" Gaston's dad says guiding his sons had in the right direction and with a loud bang the buck is dead, Gaston had successfully shot the creature directly in the heart.
"congratulations Gaston" Lefou yells with glee running up to his friend with a big smile like a ray of sunshine on his face
Gaston started to feel proud to had shot such a small deer but despite the disappointed look his father gave Gaston had some pride swelling in his chest

After the hunting trip Gaston and his dad dropped Lefou off and started to head home, the whole trip home Gaston's dad sat in anger causing Gaston to feel uneasy until they arrived at the front door of their house
"Gaston!, you disappoint shot such a small deer and still your proud of yourself" Gaston's dad said in anger throwing his arms in the air
"you could have done better" he continued and like that he threw Gaston across the room and stormed off

Gaston felt a pain in his chest and he wasn't sure if it was because he was thrown across the room or the fact that his dad was disappointed in him, he tried to shake the feeling and go to sleep when he remembered what Lefou had said to him, all the praise and the look of affection Lefou had shown him, Gaston couldn't help but smile and feel warm inside, I think I might marry Lefou Gaston thought as he trailed off to sleep.

The next morning Gaston woke up and made breakfast for him and his dad, 6 eggs for him and 10 for his dad, his dad had told him that eating a whole bunch of eggs will make you big and strong, Gaston herd stomping coming from the back room were his dad slept, with a loud swing of the door the man of the hour stomped out and sat at the table waiting for Gaston to give him his breakfast.

After breakfast Gaston's dad started talking to Gaston about marriage and how he needs to find someone to settle down with and make a bunch of babies to continue the family line
"Gaston have you found someone you want to marry yet?" He asked his son with a look that said you better find someone quick
"Yes!!" Gaston said proudly as if he had just sealed his fate with the lucky someone
"Great!!, who is the lucky woman?" He asked with a smile on his face
Gaston returned the smile and said "I'm gonna marry Lefou!" With a gleeful yell
Gaston's dad gave him a dark look of disapproval, he punched him in the abdomen and sent Gaston flying across the room and with that Gaston got his answer, he was not going to marry Lefou anytime soon at least not while his dad was sill around

AN: sorry for the short chapter and Ive noticed that this story is getting some views which I'm thankful for and I hope you don't get angry for the shortage of chapters but please leave comments so I know that someone is actually reading this I know this chapter is kinda shitty but I needed to get to this part so the story can continue nicely

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