1. Should I Care?

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Exterior details of their house, enjoy! ;)

Being an alpha, at the age of twenty,  isn't as easy as people claim it to be. They say as we turn eighteen we already have it in us to be an alpha--they say it's in our blood, they say we immediately have an aura in which will make our people respect us, fear us even--they say we radiated authority.

I, for one, will gladly object.

People don't see you as someone you should immediately respect or fear if you have glasses that rendered you useless the moment they're off--they saw you as one thing only by then, a nerd.

They don't fear you when you don't have bulging muscles and have a lanky build instead, they think you're weak, pathetic. 

They don't fear you if you had a frown or an angry glare etched unto your face most of the time--they don't think that you're not someone to be messed with, they see you as someone who is mad beyond explanation--because of being bullied.

They doubt you when they know you won't find a Luna for the pack--they doubt that you could lead, they wanted a better alpha--someone worth it.

So, do explain to me. How will my own people respect me--If I don't even look like an alpha with my glasses and lanky build? If I can't even find a Luna because I'm bloody cursed by someone I don't even know of?

If the only way for them to respect me is to engage in a fight with me--the end result being my fangs sinking deep in their wolves' throat?

I don't bloody know--and I don't know if I can find the answers anymore, they say I'm too different from the others--they say my father is better, my father isn't different.

Well, is it my fucking wish to be different?


"..Eli! There's a fight on the streets!'' Robert shook me awake as he barged inside my room, his eyes wide with fear, ''come on wake up--you wanker, wake up!"

"I'm awake okay,'' I muttered, reaching for my glasses, downing a glass of water before putting on a shirt, ''what is it about now?''

''You.'' He said, fear in his eyes--being my Beta, he always feared my safety as some people deemed me unfit to be an alpha, he insisted that he, his mate--aka our best friend, and I live in the same estate--so he could always keep an eye on me. He's just like the brother I could never have.

Being an alpha of this pack, Piper--as my father named it, which raised confused eyebrows as people heard it for the first time--because as my father insisted it stands for 'peace keeper'--as how our pack has always been, actually has been hard ever since I took the reigns. We used to be the peace keepers--now my own pack can't keep peace in our own territory.

''Who started it this time?" I asked, letting out a sigh as Robert and I made our way out--Isla, our dear best friend--Robert's mate still sound asleep, ''Evan? I bet it's him.''

''Yeah.'' Robert nodded, ''it's Evan, again. I tried breaking the fight--all I got was a fucking nasty gash on my face though. That boy needs to respect his own Alpha--and Beta.''

That motherfucking good for nothing troublemaker.

We ran for a good five minutes before the sound of a fight resounded--along with people's panicked chatters as Evan's opponent slouched on the pavement--unconscious, yet he still lay hit after hit on the poor boy.

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