More Drama?

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ok guys before i write this i want you to know that i have to thank each and everyone of you. What for you ask? As of today, I have 20,000+reads on this very story!! when i logged into my account i broke down in tears, if you don't believe me ask my parents. I even had to walk away from the computer to calm down. Again i CANNOT thank you all enough, you have no idea how much this means to me. I LOVE YOU ALL! i still can't believe it. haha im still crying......Thank You


-Your P.O.V-

That night you helped fix dinner and set the table. Kid had probably said "thank you" almost 1,000 Times before you even sat down with everyone to eat. You began to eat when Liz looked up from her food and smirked at you, you giggled and Kid stopped eating to look over at you. He raised an eyebrow at your laughter. "s...sorry.......I'm ok " you cleared your throat and continued eating. A few minutes later everyone finished their food and you and Liz cleared the table and started on the dishes.
You and Liz talked plenty about random things but mostly about Kid. After about 20 minutes you finished the dishes only to have Kid come up from behind and hug you.
You giggled and turned in his arms to face him. "I love you" he smiled at you and pecked your lips.
You blushed and smiled. He laughed at your blushing."hey that's not funny"you fake pouted.
"It's not funny, your right. It's adorable" he grinned.
This made your face turn a dark red and you looked down at your feet smiling. But it didn't last long because Kid put his hand under your chin and gently pulled your face up to look at him.
Your eyes widened slightly "Don't hide your face, its too beautiful to be hidden, especially from me" he smiled and kissed you softly.
You kissed him back, almost melting into the kiss. Kid pulled away slowly, his lips just centimetres away from yours. You smiled and yawned.
Kid noticed and looked at you"are we tired my love?"
You nodded only to have him pick you up bridal style. You giggled."kid! "
He smiled and kissed your cheek before carrying you up the stairs to his room. Once to the room he opened the door and carried you to the bed gently setting you down.
He walked to the door and shut it smiling. You watched him as he went to the window and opened it slightly letting cool air drift into the room.
He layed down on the bed next to you, pulling the covers up over both you and him. You smiled as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close to him.
You snuggled into his chest and closed your eyes. Kid grinned and closed his eyes before both of you fell into a deep sleep.

-3am that morning-

You stirred in your sleep, you couldn't help but to think someone other then Kid was watching you. You woke up to see Kid still asleep, his arm still wrapped around your waist.
You sat up slowly and gently moved his arm so not to wake him. You sighed and rubbed your eyes, swinging your legs off the side of the bed.
You looked over at the open window and shivered, it was getting a bit cold for your liking. You stood up and walked over to the window and shut it."there, that's better" you smiled at yourself only to hear kid stir.
You quickly looked over at him, he was still asleep. You sighed in relief and walked to the door and opened it slowly, walking out and down the stairs.
Once downstairs you made your way to the kitchen and opened one of the cabinets, you found a box of tea and began making you a cup of it.
You sat down at the table and sipped the tea when something in the window caught the corner of your eye. You quickly looked over to see the figure gone. You shook your head "probably just my imagination" you thought and went back to drinking your tea.
Then It happened again, but this time when you looked it stayed. You stared at it in shock, it had glowing red eyes and it was smiling. You nearly spilt your tea by falling off the kitchen chair.
You quickly ran up the stairs to kid. Once you got in the room you shook him"Kid, Kid wake up!"he opened his eyes and looked up at you" what is it (y/n)?"
"I...I was downstairs and I saw ...I saw something outside the window, it had red eyes and it was smiling at me!" you were shaking as Kid got up out of bed. "Come with me" he looked at you and you quickly went to his side as the both of you went to Liz and Patty's room.
Kid knocked on the door loudly. After about 30 seconds Liz came to the door and opened it, she looked really tired as she rubbed her eyes"what is it Kid?"
"I need you and patty awake, (y/n) said she was downstairs and saw someone outside. I need you two to be awake in case anything happens."
With this Liz was wide awake and she nodded at him."i will wake her up and we will be dressed and down in the living room, give us three minutes"
Kid nodded as Liz shut the door to get patty up and dressed. You stayed as close as possible to him as the both of you walked down the stairs together. Kid kissed the too of your head and wrapped his arm around you protectively. You smiled slightly as you walked into the living room.

"You two still down there?" Liz called from the stairs.
"Yes" kid replied as Liz and Patty made their way into the living room. Patty still seemed to be slightly half asleep but she was alert and pretty much ready for anything. They went to Kid's side and sat down on the floor by his feet.
Everything went quiet for a few minutes until we heard laughter. Kid held me closer to him and sat straight up."you think you can actually keep her away from me? how foolish of all of you" the voice said laughing.
"Whoever you are, your not getting (y/n) no matter how hard you try." Kid practically growled at the person.
" Oh that's so cute! You think you can protect her!" the voice laughed."oh and I have a name, and your girlfriend knows it very well, am I right...partner?"
Your eyes widened, it was Jace.

Ok everyone! So that is the new chapter, I kinda left you all with a cliff hanger. sorry not sorry lol . And I just wanted to let you know, I AM SOOOO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING! yes you can kill me! It's my fault I admit to it!!! Well tell me what you think about this update in the comment section! Hope you enjoyed!

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