Chapter Six:

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Chapter Six:

I turned around in shock. My mother stood there with a smile on her face and she looked proud! I looked at her confused.

“I knew you were building something,” she must have seen my confusion because she continued. “I noticed the absence of some of the scrap metal in Jareth’s old room. I go in there every day.” She looked at me with pride and a sad smile. “But that’s not the point, I could hear the construction in your room but I couldn’t get in. Care to explain?” She asked, raising one eyebrow.

I blushed and told her about the hand print lock.

“That is genius!” She exclaimed. “Show me?” I wanted to show her but I had a mission. She must have seen that I was torn. “I will let you go on your mission, just show me what you’ve been doing.” I nodded and led her to my room.

“I put my hand on the door like this.” I then touched my door and it opened, showing her all my blueprints.

“Diya, this amazing! But why do you fail the tests?” She asked looking at me confused.

“So they can’t use my ideas to help with the war effort.” I then said in a quieter voice. “And for Jareth.” my mother’s face softened and she nodded.

“I won’t take them from you.” she said with a gentle smile. “Come on I better let you go.” I hugged her and kissed her cheek, saying goodbye.

I climbed up into my Robot and blew her a kiss before closing it up and starting it up. It was weird being inside a Robot. I couldn’t see the wires because I’d covered them with thin steel sheets but because it was so dark the controls lit up my face. Once it was powered up I practiced moving the arms and waved at my mother, I heard her giggle. I then tried the legs and had the robot marching on the spot for a second before heading to the lift. It was a tight fit but I managed to get the Robot into the lift and out again at the bottom.

                                                                            *  *  *  *  *  *  *

 Nobody was on the street so I was able to get quite a fair distance out of my town and towards the main city in the kingdom, before I came across any opposition.

It was another Fighting Robot but one of the original ones, so hopefully it would be no match for mine. It looked like a metal version of a man, just taller and more bulky. This one was in our kingdom's colours, yellow and black, like a bee. It didn’t ask any questions just attacked. It had guns on its arms; it fired at me aiming for the face, thinking that was where the controls were, like they are in the originals but my controls are in the chest. I dodged the line of fire and instead went in low I used one of the arms to fire high while the other aimed low. I hit my mark. While they tried to defend their face I managed to disable the right leg, it now couldn’t move far. I moved my Robot to behind it and shot at the eject release button.

In response the Robot’s back opened and the pilot went flying out. I shot at the machine again, destroying the electrics, before turning around and continuing in the direction I was originally going. I didn’t kill the pilot. What’s the point in going on a mission to stop a war if I just kill my opposition? I’m not a killer.

 I was heading to the Palace to see if the rumour, that the First and Second Princes imprisoned their brother in the dungeons, was true.  And I’ve met the First Prince, Rajak Dugan Atreo, so I know that he isn’t the nicest person in the Kingdom and I wouldn't put it past him. I travelled quickly but the wheels on my machine could only go so fast and I didn’t want to fight my way into the centre of the kingdom.

I found an entrance to an abandoned underground rail road that used to run all over the country and, most importantly, up to the Palace. Now that we had Birds we didn’t need any other form of transport. I entered the black cavern and turned on the night vision. Oh yeah, I have night vision, impressive no?  I sped along wanting to get deep enough so I wouldn't be found and so I can sleep.

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