Part 3 - blood

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The man in armor finally introduced himself outside the grand hall. He stopped abruptly, assessing Cassius once more. "I'm Halden, captain of the Emperor's guard." The handshake was firm.


"I know who you are."

He nodded. There was no reason to hide, he could only hope that Halden hadn't been one of those who sought his services in the first place.

"Come with me," Halden said, immediately walking off with the kind of efficiency Cassius had only seen in well-trained soldiers. Grudgingly, he realized that Halden might be a man he could learn to respect given the opportunity.

They walked along opulent corridors until they reached the very wall Cassius had climbed the night before. With a wave, Halden dismissed the patrolling guards. Warm winds rose from the city below and the sun baked statues and stones alike.

Halden settled one hand on the hilt of his sword, gazing across the sprawling city. "I assume you came here to kill him."

Cassius weighed his options. Affirming the purpose of his presence in the castle was a risk, but the alternative might prove to be worse. He had no lie prepared for such an event as this.

"Correct," he replied, carefully watching Halden from the corner of his eye.

"What changed your mind?"

"I received a better offer."

Halden heaved a sigh, showing the first signs of weariness. "I'm not inclined to trust a man who is so easily swayed."

Cassius had to give it to the man, he had good instincts. "Neither would I."

Halden looked at him for the first time since they shook hands. "You mean to tell me you can't be trusted?"

"Captain, would it help if I lied?" He gripped the hilt of his dagger, preparing for any eventuality. It was impossible to say what this conversation might end. The drop from the wall would kill any man, and they stood close enough for a simple accident to occur.

A brief chuckle. "No, I admit it would not," Halden replied. "However, you must understand that we are protective of the heir."

Cassius' lips twitched a fraction at the mention of the heir. The brief surge of feeling evolved into understanding. The captain's voice had betrayed his allegiance. This man was Takeeo's, and therefore, a man he would have to trust. For now.

"He seems to have that effect on people," he replied, hoping that whatever spell Takeeo had cast to bring Halden to his side would be strong enough to influence the situation. Perhaps Halden would agree with Takeeo's choice of an assassin turned bodyguard. It was a better outcome than facing the dungeons.

Halden chuckled again. "I take it that he offered you more than money, then."

Cassius pulse quickened, and the Emperor's words echoed in his mind. Diversion. Suddenly, it all became much clearer. He had been a fool to accept, no matter how tempting the prospect.

"No, he offered nothing else," he replied, instantly wondering whether that was true.

The captain studied him from head to toe, arching an eyebrow as he saw Cassius' hold around the dagger's hilt. "Then be prepared. Your master is skilled in the ways of persuasion." What had been a hint of amusement turned into a smug grin. Strangely, the expression suited the man and removed several years from his face.

"I don't mix business and pleasure," he replied.

"We will see." The curt answer revealed the challenge at hand.

Cassius decided to switch topics. "I met a few men in person."

"Ah, I doubt you met anyone of significance. They would not have taken such risks. Treason is punishable by death, no matter your standing." Halden appeared unperturbed as if this situation was a common occurrence.

"How many attempts?" he asked, wondering how many Takeeo had swayed to his side over the years, and how many of those had survived.

"Our heir has survived a few, but none as brash as this one. You must have made it into his room."

"I did." He recalled Takeeo sitting on the ledge by the window, framed by moonlight.

Halden stretched his neck and gazed down the side of the wall. "Then you must see to it that no one else will get that far in the future. He is your responsibility now. The fate of this land is in your hands."

Cassius pondered the words and their meaning. He wasn't sure whether he liked the thought of being responsible for anyone other than himself. His lips twitched again.

"Your fate is sealed, Cassius," Halden added. "You cannot back away from it now." The man's smile widened. "Fate is a bitch, isn't it?"

* * * *

Cassius returned to Takeeo's chambers in a new uniform. He did not like it, and he would make sure to have it properly adjusted to accommodate all his weapons. The blue color suited him well enough, but it was made for show rather than purpose, much like the other livery he'd seen around the castle.

Takeeo made no move to acknowledge Cassius' presence where he sat, perched on a stool next to the large bookcase. The heir flipped through the pages of a book that must have been read many times over. The torn spine looked ready to fall apart completely.

"Took you long enough," Takeeo said, still not moving his gaze from the text.

"Your grace." The honorary tasted sour in his mouth. It would take time to adjust to this new life. The realization stalled further any further response--he would have to contact those in town who would miss his presence. Not that he had any friends, but his associates might believe him deceased, which could possibly lead to unnecessary complications.

A faint smile, a turn of a page. "Now, that didn't take long at all. I imagined you would resist." Takeeo rose, setting the book aside on the finely carved desk. He strolled forward with that fluid grace that never seemed to leave. "You and I will have plenty of fun, I can tell."

Cassius had trouble keeping still while the heir closed the distance between them. Slowly, Takeeo took hold of Cassius' favorite blade, sliding it from its sheath. The metal gleamed and mirrored its surroundings. The heir ran the edge along the tip of his finger, breaking delicate skin. A drop of blood spilled from the tiny wound.

He swallowed thickly as Takeeo smeared the blood right across those plump lips. It was distrubing and entrancing in equal measures.

"Not so innocent now, am I?"

Cassius couldn't respond, couldn't move.

Takeeo's eyes flashed with perfected allure. "I asked you a question, Cassius."

"No, your grace." It was the only answer he could think of. He wondered, briefly, how many faces the heir had--how many layers he could unveil. But, most of all, he realized that the heir breathed danger no matter how slim he was.

A/N Takeeo is an interesting one for sure. What do you think of him so far?

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