Chapter Ten

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You're not alone, together we stand. I'll be by your side. You know I'll take your hand.

-Avril Lavigne, Keep Holding On

Twins. The word that settled my stress. I didn't have to worry about having another child. I need to tell Brent. I pick up the phone phone, about to call Brent. "Christina, you need to tell him in person." That's the first thing Dad has said since we left the hospital lobby. "Dad, are you ok? You haven't said much since we left. I know you weren't that happy when I told you that I was pregnant but you weren't there. It's difficult having my father walk back into my life. I've never had an older guy there to be with me besides Brent. And I know your not happy that I'm getting married either but I love Brent, and that won't change. I'm sorry." He sighs. He puts one hand on his head and sighs again. "Christina, don't apologize. You have went this whole time thinking that I was dead. I'm just glad that you're safe and out of that mental hospital. That's not where you belong." I start to cry. I deep sob ripples through my body. Sob after sob. Each one deeper than the one before. He reminds me of Damon, but somehow the abusiveness went away. For once I feel bad, for him. I never had a father, and now I'm treating like he's nothing. "Ok." That's all I can manage to say. I stop myself from crying about ten minutes before we reach the house. I don't want Brent questioning anything.

Dads P.O.V

She keeps apologizing. I wish she would just stop. It's to painful. I wanted to be there for her but I couldn't. Not with her mother around. It's not like her mother cared for her anyway. I try to push this thought away as far as I can. As soon as the thoughts put away, we pull into the drive way. Christina jumps out of the car and runs in the house. I can hear her screaming Brent's name. Through the window, I can see him running towards her. She starts talking and moving her hands. She smiles and Brent kisses her. I look away. I can't watch her. She grew up to fast and now she's having twins and getting married. What happened along the road of my marriage that made me lose her mom.

Brent's P.O.V

I could see him watching us through the window. What an eavesdropper. I'm not very fond of him but Christina seems happy to have a father, so I pretend to enjoy his presence for her. Twins. That's what she wants. I don't think it's a matter of what she wants anymore. It's what we are having, one way or another. It doesn't matter to me. As long as Christina is happy, then I'm fine. I just hope that she knows that I love her.

Christina's P.O.V

Brent doesn't seem to happy but he never was good with showing emotions. All I know is that I'm freaking out right now. It's such a magical world. I can't believe I'm having twins. It's a miracle. I love them already. I talk to them and sing to them. They are my world. My unborn world. Brent is my born world. I love all three of them. But sometimes I question the love of my father.

Brent and I are going out to the movies tonight. We wanted to go to dinner but decided different. The movies is faster and I don't want to leave dad alone at the house for to long. Brent didn't want to see any sappy love story but I talked him into watching "Endless Love" with me.

As we are walking out of the movie theater, I get a call. Mom. I ignore the call because I don't care. She hasn't cared for seventeen years, why should I care now.

We walk in the door of the house, and Dad is sitting on the couch. He looks like he has been crying. I sit down next to him. "Dad, what's wrong?" He looks at me with a look of pity. I can't help myself. I start crying too. "Dad?! What's going on?" He just shakes his hand and continues to sob. "Christina, your little brother was killed today." I stand up. I have no idea what I'm going to do. I'm not upset, I'm mad. I walk over to the wall. With a scream, I punch the wall. There are glass dishes sitting on the counter. I walk over to the counter and scream again. I slide everything off the counter. I run upstairs and slam the door. I put my back to the door and slide to floor. The sobs are finally coming. There's is a knock on the door. "Go away!" It's not what I wanted to say but it comes out anyway. I don't know what else to do, so I just sit there.

I walk back downstairs, trying to keep calm. I walk right out of the front door without a word. Brent comes running up behind me. He grabs my arm but I jerk away and keep walking. I just want to drive. To think. About anything but this.

I park the car and walk back in the house. When I walk in they both jump up. "Where have you been?" Brent looks at me like he's angry but worried. I just ignore him. "Dad, who killed my little brother?! Who killed Will?!" He looks at me and sobs again.

"Your mom did it, Christina, your mom."

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