R E N E G A D E (ONE):

10 1 3


I was startled when she grabbed my precious Paramore album, smirk overpowers her face as she  did what I was expecting to happen.  She dropped the album purposely and then wrecked it all.  She smirked,  her face was shining in victory. 

I knew that we argued about me Threatening her about telling our parents that I caught her kissing with a guy, eating each other's face as if they were insatiable monsters. And I was still in shock of what she did. She's not like that because she was so careful about her image being the good girl between the two of us. And now she just did what was the worst thing he could ever give to me. The worst revenge for my threat.

Anger boiled in my stomach, uprising in to my eyes. I rigorously pushed her straightly facing the beige colored wall. Her face met the wall making a loud thud, her fingers were still alive an clawing me for revenge. She grunted in pain because of the loud impact and looked in my eyes.  I saw the similar flame burning in my eyes, ready to kill me in her bare hands. She was about to attack me with her own hands unfortunately,  the door cracked open and dad's face flashed on my room. 

Oh no. 

I was about to let go of her long silky brown hair but to my surprise,  she cried out loud, a wail that is really annoying to hear. She sounded like a pig who was cutting alive and divided in pieces by the butcher. She  started calling daddy and grabbed her hair with my arms beneath her brown hair that looked like I was pulling her hair. 

She wailed out loud like a baby while me?  I was there.  Completely awestruck on how good actress my twin sister was.  Well,  what would you expect?  It is Katrina. 

“Katherine!” dad yelled,  I faced him and yanked my arm off her, creating friction in my skin and resulted in swelling. She cried out loud as Dad approached her. “What the heck are you doing?!” he screamed as he pushed me away from my charlatan 'precious' twin sister. 

“How could you do that to your own sister? Katherine? See?  She's hurt!” he helped her to get up and craddled her on his arms.  She was sobbing in his chest bit grinning widely at me.  What a fucking bitch

“Dad!” I griped as I collected myself together,  looking at my broken treasure and swelling arm. 

“She started it!” after I said it out,  she was wailing out loud again.  So much immature! “She tore my Paramore album dad! I wasn't even doing anything to her!” I finalized my statement,  she smirked and butt in. 

“No dad! I was just about to ask her if she's doing her homework and... And...” she faked her sobs and looked at dad. “she made out with someone!  I think it was her boy best friend?  Yeah!  She made him go out and purposely dropped the album herself so she can blame me for breaking it and then she beat me like you saw dad! I am hurt!  I was only doing my job as her sister!”

I laughed.  Where does she get that? A fucking storymaker! Great. Just great I had to stay with her for the rest of my life. 

“That's bullshit Trina! You know yourself that it wasn't true!”

Dad sighed and faced her.“Go and have rest in your room Trina.  You need to look pretty for the party tonight.” he hushed her and guided her on the door. 

When Trina had gone to her room,  dad returned on my room,  his face was dark and hurt. 

“And you, we need to talk.”

I just signed and raised my arms in defeat,  surrendering as I slump down on my bed,  sitting uncomfortably beside my broken Riot album. 

“Why do you do that a lot?” he asked as the silence fell on the room,  tears welling up on the side of my eyes as I stare at my treasured possession and felt the stinging sensation I felt on my wrist.

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