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We parked our car on the nearest supermarket and grabbed my push cart,  deciding to go first in the chips section then in to the marshmallows and to the ice cream tubs.  When I get what I want,  I also grabbed the over expensive meat and placed it on the cart. 

"What? Do you see how much it cost? It cost more than my life!" Alex exaggerated, I giggled. 

"Who lost the race? Is it me? Oops.  Sorry!" I chuckled as I replaced the expensive meat on the normal meat that we usually buy.  "The last time I check it was you! Crawling as slow as a turtle!"

Then,  I decided to go on the beer station,  where I grabbed 20 cans of root beer.  He sighed and checked his wallet,  looking at me then back on his wallet. 

"Okay, now I think I'm broke." he sighed,  I laughed.  I just shrugged off his complaint and walked our way on the counter,  grabbing the nearest chocolate that I can ever get.  Thanks God for Dairy Milk. 

I placed it on the cart,  looked at Alex teasingly.  Once I was working my way on the line,  he grabbed the chocolate then placed it back on it's rack,  and smiled at me.  He think he's good now?  Huh! No!

I grabbed two more chocolates as we were the one who faces the cashier.  She was standing,  pulling a puppy dog smile at Alex. I felt a sudden urge to vomit in what I see now. 

"See you in the car babe!" I yelled,  he was startled and blush was now evident in his face. I laughed and glared at the slut cashier. 

"Yes babe.  I'll see you later." he winked, placing three Dairy Milk (he couldn't complain now because he was in the line and the line was too long to go back.) In the counter altogether with all of my requested foods. 

The cashier looked at me and threw me a daggering stare and I returned it by muttering bitch when she saw me. 

As I walked outside the store, my eyes landed on the newspaper.  The headline was sure captivating.  Specially it has my sister's name in it and carved in bold letters.

'Katrina Wallace shines in One Direction concert'

I read further, looking at the details.  I almost forgot if it wasn't for this newspaper,  today was my birthday.  Our birthday and now,  Trina enjoys her One Direction concert and steals Niall's attention.  My baby. 😩

In early celebration of her 18th birthday, Katrina Wallace was spotted in the stage of One Direction,  singing with one of the members named Niall Horan in London last night.

Katrina Wallace was the famous model of Harde Younge Undergarments and also was the daughter of the CEO of Wallace Porcelains. 

I sighed and dropped the newspaper on the stand,  having my eyes nearly pulled out from its sockets. She's so disgusting.  I wonder how mum and dad think that she was a good girl in the other side she was not.  But as much as I like to do so much about my sister inside my head,  Alex appeared in front of me,  his face was nearly an inch away from me. 


Instead of gasping, I pulled out an "Omg.  Omg.  I'm shocked! Help I'm having heart attack!" then rolled my eyes.

He rolled his eyes,  slumped down beside me with at least 5 grocery bags on the ground. 

"What's your problem?" he asked,  I shook my head.  Even Alex forgot about my 18th birthday. 

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