"I do"

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He stood in front of the reflective surface and nitpicked at the smallest details till he could claim it was perfect, the only problem being he would never make that statement. Once he fixed one aspect of his appearance, another part was either messed up or a new imperfection was found.

He lost track of how long he had been standing there but the soles of his feet were beginning to get sore. Shifting his weight, he checked and rechecked until the one who had been watching him silently chuckled at his antics.

"You're such a princess, you've smoothed down every surface and picked off every piece of lint a normal person could see along with some I think were fake, you're fine." A man, supporting a matching suit stood from where he was and walked over to join the reflection.

"You don't understand, I have to look perfect-"

"For this one day and then return to the imperfect look you had once it's over? Your husband's not here to marry the perfect you, he's never seen that nor will he ever. He's marrying the one he's known till now and the one you will be after this." A hand was placed on the princess's hip as the two looked at each other, grins on their faces despite the playful banter.

"Marriage is supposed to be the happiest day of your life, I don't wanna look like a slob."

"And you don't, you look stressed, not happy. If anything, even if you showed up in sweats, hair ruffled from what we did the night before, and teeth not even brushed, I would still be honored to get married to you." The man continued to explain and pressed a kiss to his princess's cheek.

"You don't get it you don't-"

"Overthink? I don't. And I'm not planning on doing so anytime soon, marriage just makes it so that you can't legally go off and cheat on me, especially with how easy it would be for you to do so," arms wrapped around the labeled princess and another kiss was planted on his cheek.

He moved around in the hold, complaining about the wrinkles being formed on his suit from the hug. "If I'm the princess doesn't that make you the prince I'm getting married to? You should make yourself presentable as well."

"Are you saying I don't look amazing in this suit?" The embrace was broken so the prince could spin around, expecting to be admired by the princess but getting a roll of eyes and a replay of the scene he saw just ten minutes before.

"Are you done?" He asked once a pair of hands hand dropped to his side. There was silence and the prince spoke up again. "Are you thinking of him again?"

"I just... wish he was here... I didn't think he would be gone for this long." A deep breath was taken then let go. "I wonder if it's better he's not here or if he should have been."

"He liked you before I did, and he loves you, I'm sure he still does, but I think it would have hurt him more to see us get married."

With a nod, the two finally left, with one final check in the mirror, to their wedding.


"I'm surprised he's not wearing a dress," Minhyuk had commented as he watched Kihyun walk down the aisle. He was one of the last voices to be heard and the snicker coming from his friends behind him received a glare. Knowing there wasn't any true irritation behind it, just slight embarrassment, they rubbed it off and Minhyuk stole a glance at Hyunwoo once Kihyun passed.

The one to be married with Kihyun was awestruck, to say the least. His eyes were brimmed with tears and he had to force a smile so he wouldn't break down into sobs, it was the first time Minhyuk had ever seen him like that. He stood there, back straight and eyes shining. An overwhelming feeling washed over Minhyuk when he saw Kihyun biting his lip as he tried to keep the tears in as well.

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