Chap 1

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"My god" I muttered under my breath, it was them, of all people they survived, thank god. "What in the name of hades are you doing here?" I asked. Sky replied "It's an apocalypse, we must band together, for BUTTER!" Well at least i have entertainment. "Lets go, I have a hideout in the mountains, started a tiny shelter." Of course sky asked "is there budder?" At first i was going to ignore him, then i said. "Yes sky, there will be budder." "GUYS THERE WILL BE BUDDER! EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT!!!" "You'll attract the creepers sky" said Jerome. Sure enough, not 2 seconds later, creepers started creeping. I pulled my bow, shot 2 down, jerome impaled one with betty, and adam threw budder swords. But there was alot, i took out my flame aspect budder shovels (i like shovels, like jerome likes axes, and sky likes budder, when my youtubes up, the subs will be "shovel warriors) and destroyed the creepers. Then Ty spoke up, "I don't know, I'm not really digging this guy" Everyone laughs. I chuckle a bit. Everyone stares, then tyler speaks up and says, "You laugh?" Everyone laughs, again. I chuckle, a  bit more. "Ok" i said "lets move out and goto the hideout. They all nodded. We trudged ahead, the clear night sky soon filled with snow. The lonely night now guided more souls.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2014 ⏰

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