Chapter 3

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Yuki's POV

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Yuki's POV.


Ow. Man my ribs hurt a lot. Why do they hurt so much. Maybe I should go to the infirmary. But on my way there I saw Corporal Levi. "Where are you going Cadet Cross?" He asked me I was trying to read him but I had no luck. And I am really good at reading people. "Oh. Um I was going to the infirmary my ribs feel weird that all." I said trying to hide my pain. "Come with me I can do a better job at fixing your wounds then any of those idiots in the infirmary."Levi said to me then he picked me up in a bridal-style. "C-Corporal where exactly are you taking me. And you know I can walk my self right?" I said not wanting to get to close to him. "I know that cadet. And like I said I can do a better job at fixing you wounds than any of those idiots in the Infirmary." He said as I was still trying to read him. But still having no luck. But then just for a split second I saw right through him. He was sad and... and... in love? But with who. Or maybe I read him wrong? That's when I found my self in his room. I had heard rumors that he was a total clean freak and well it kinda turned out to be true."Take off your shoes, and your shirt" he told me and he went to go look for the bandages "WHAT!!!" But I was interrupted by Levi. "Dumbass I only say that so I can bandage your wounds properly." So I took my coat and shirt off then folded them and put them next to me. Levi walked back into the room

Levi's POV.


Damn it why can't I think straight when I'm around her. When I saw her wounds it almost made me jump and I never jump. I looked at her wound then back up at her. "WHAAAT!!!! HOW THE HECK DID THAT HAPPEN!!!!" She said freaking out. "I would like to know the same thing cadet Cross. Oh and you can call me Levi when we're not working, ok." I told. "Ok. Then you can call me Yuki when we're not working as well." She said. "I will go get the rubbing alcohol." When I came back I saw her looking at the photo of Farlon, Isabell and I. "This will hurt" I said trying to sound unsympathetic.

Yuki's POV.


Levi sounded way to unsympathetic. Yet sum how I As soon as he said that he pored some alcohol on a rag. As soon as the rag made contact with my skin I screamed. After that one scream tho I tried to hold back the rest of my screams. He finally finished raping me up. "You can still take a shower the bandages are waterproof." Levi told me with a little more sympathy. "Thank you Levi." I replied.


(A/N) I know this might suck but I tried my best and I only have like 2 photos of Levi so I will use the calm Levi until he gets all mad and goes on a killing spree or something. Time skip 2 chapters later


-----------------------Never mind I just found like 8 photos of Levi. Ignore the watches the only phot I found if Aaron and Levi together. 

At a loss for words~ A Levi x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now