Chapter IV

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I was baffled. I haven't seen Nickolas since I was eight years old... I wasn't completely sure how I felt. I missed him dearly, but I wasn't sure if I should bring up the past. I stood for a few seconds, with the child's hand in mine and he looked up at me. I didn't pay any mind. Then, he spoke again.
"Is that you, Angelique?" He asked in question. I broke away from my trance and stared at him blankly.
"Yes." I answered. He looked at me and smiled. 
"It's so good to see a familiar face." He said to me, drawing closer. His shoulder length hair whipping around in the wind. 
"Where have you been all this time?" I asked him. He looked down at his sand-covered boots and looked back up to me to make eye contact. 
"My father died four years ago, and I found the crew... I guess you could say I've been everywhere." He smiled only slightly.
"I'm sorry. For your father, I mean."
"No need to apologize. It was long ago."
"You're a pirate? You mentioned a crew."
"Yes. I joined them, because I had nobody else." He changed the subject quickly.
"How have you and your family been? The last time I saw you, your mother cast me out of the house and accused me of stealing your dishes." He laughed a bit and listened for my response.
I laughed too. "We've been alright, I suppose. I just can't wait to finally get up the courage to leave home." I looked back at the cream colored building I called home. 
"Why would you want to leave such a place?" He asked me.
"It's nice for  awhile, then you tire of it. I kind of just want to get away from my father mostly, I guess. He always leads my mother into telling me how I should behave. Like she can't think for herself. I barely talk to him anymore. I think the last time I did talk to him was last Wednesday."
"Ah, I see." He paused. "You could always just leave whenever you want, you know. You have your own life to live." 
"I suppose you're right. I just don't know when the best time to leave would be."
"You can leave whenever you want. I can help you escape if you'd like."
"That would be too much to ask of you. I would need time to plan everything out as well. I probably couldn't just get up and leave."
"No planning needed. I can help you through the whole thing."
"Why are you helping me? We haven't seen each other in so long, and now we're already  planning my escape."
"You were my only friend... I'm also sure I was your only friend as well. I've never lost trust for you, after all this time."
"You are right. You were my only friend. Ever, as a matter of fact."
"So, why not come with me?"
"The sea..."
"That's a big step. I don't know if I could do something like that yet."
"Take your time. We're here until the end of the month. I'm sure you could have time to make the right decision by then, am I right?" 
I gave it a moment's thought.
"Most likely, yes." I nodded in agreement as I said the last word. "I better help him find his mother. Meet me near that fencing over there at 4 o'clock. He nodded and I lead the child to my house. 

I opened the front door and he walked inside. He noticed the fresh bread on the table and ran straight to it. He reached out for it, but looked at me and gave me an expression that I was all too familiar with. The face that Alice made when she was very hungry.
"Take as much as you'd like." I told him. He snatched the bag before I could blink and ripped into it with his small teeth. 
"Beatrice!" I called out. I heard her footsteps getting closer to me coming from downstairs. She stopped at the foot of the stairs and saw the boy. She looked at him, then glanced at me.
"Who is this?" She asked me, getting closer.
"A boy I saw off the docks. He lost his mother and I thought you could help."
"Of course." She said walking over to him. "Go up to your room, madame. Change your clothes, you have dirt upon your gown. You don't want your mother seeing that. She will lock you up in your room for two weeks if she found out you were outside by yourself." I nodded. I knew she was right. So, I went upstairs and changed, just as she told me to. I waited on the corset, because it was too difficult for me to do alone. 

I heard commotion downstairs not too long later. I thought his mother had finally come for him. Beatrice always knew exactly what to do in situations like these. I looked outside and didn't see Nickolas. He must have gone inside. I needed to take my mind off of things. Everything was happening too quickly. I have thought about running away, yes. But, much later. I never expected for all of this to happen right now. I thought about it and was coming up with all of these reasons I should go... But, on the other hand, the thoughts of not going seemed bigger than my reasons to off and leave. I sat at my window, looking out upon the bay. I grabbed a book that I got at the local bookstore the other day, and sat at my lovely window. I read for almost an hour, when a knocking came on my door.
"Come in." I said, not taking my eyes away from my book. The door slowly opened and in walked Alice. She gingerly walked over to me.
"Were you talking to a pirate?" She asked concerned. I marked my page and lay my book down next to me. 
"Yes." I said.
"Why?" She questioned.
"He was my friend from many years ago."
"Will he hurt you?"
"No! Of course not."
"How do you know?" 
I pondered thing question for a moment. 
"Well, I guess I don't. But, do you think I'm going to let a silly ol' pirate hurt me?" I smiled, which made her smile as well.
"I guess not. Can I meet him?" Her eyes lit up, the way they always do when she gets her mind set to something.
"Maybe. I'm going back down to the docks at 4 o' clock. I'll bring you with me."
She gleamed with excitement and bolted out of the room. I quickly got up and followed her to her room. I poked my head around the corner.
"We mustn't tell mother or father about this. Okay?"
"Why not?"
"How do you think they are going to feel when you tell them we're going to see a pirate?"
"I don't know."
"They won't be happy."
"Why not?"
"They don't like pirates."
"Oh, all right." She said blankly.
"Okay. Get ready. We are leaving in 30 minutes."
She started rushing around her room doing God knows what. I went up to my room and contemplated my doings. Should I go? Or should I stay here? The pros and cons rushed through my head again. I had at last made my final decision. 

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