Chapter 7

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Wanda ended up passing away. She had a heart attack. I remember crying the whole day. Marianna had to come over and make me better, but nothing worked. Not even fried chicken. Wanda was so inspiring to me. She taught me so much and I could never forget her because of that.

Marianna moved into Wanda's house 1 month after. I wish she didn't though. Because now, I have to live with the fact of seeing her everyday at the bus stop.

I entered the bus and all the seats were taken. Except, the one by Marianna. I started walking towards the chair. I didn't want to sit next to someone who was ignoring me. So...I didn't. I had to sit on JJ's lap. 

I looked back at Marianna. We made eye contact for a bit, but then she turned and looked outside her window. I did the same.

Me, Matthew, and JJ sat together during lunch. That's when Matthew started talking about his new boyfriend.

"I'm so in love with him, guys. He's so hot" he said to me and JJ.

"What's his name?" JJ asked him.

"You'll find out tonight. We're all gonna go to Fred Samson's party tonight" Matthew said. He didn't even ask us if we wanted to go. He said we WERE gonna go.

"I don't like him, Matthew. He used to mess with one of my closest friends". I was talking about Wanda. Fred always used to find a way to ruin Wanda's life. I hated him for that.

"Please, you have to go" Matthew begged me. I wanted to say no so bad. He reminded me so much of Marianna. Marianna was the one that begged me to go to Jake's party in the first place. And it didn't go as planned. But I was trying to forget all that. I can't be afraid of parties forever. So I said yes.

  It was time to go to 3rd period. When I was in the halls, I saw Isabelle kissing Robert. It was one of the most disgusting things I had ever seen. I saw Robert sticking his tongue into Isabelle's mouth. I felt like throwing up.

Robert walked away. Isabelle saw me staring at her.

"What are you staring at?" She asked me.

"At that pimple in the middle of your forehead" I said.

I walked off feeling great about myself. I've wanted to say that to Isabelle for the longest.

We had a substitute for Chemistry. I'm guessing Mr. Fatty got stuck in the toilet or something. The substitute teacher was cool. He let us do whatever we want. Everyone got on their phones.

"What do you think of this selfie?" JJ asked me.

"Hot" I said to her.

When I turned around, I saw Mariana and Robert looking over at me and JJ. I could tell they were talking about us. I stood up and let my anger talk.

"If you got something to say just say it already!" I said loudly to Marianna. She didn't do anything. Her and Robert just stared.

It was 7:00 pm. I put on this beautiful blue dress. It wasn't the same one I wore to Jake's party. It was different.

I walked downstairs and saw my mom smoking. I didn't do anything about it though, because she wouldn't listen to me anyway. I had to walk to the party.

I entered Fred's party. It felt like deja vu. It reminded me so much of Jake's party. And that's not good. I walked over to JJ who was wearing a yellow, sparkly dress.

"You look amazing" JJ said to me. I smiled.

"You look amazing" I repeated to JJ.
I looked around to see if Matthew was anywhere, but he wasn't. Instead, I saw Isabelle and Robert kissing again. Those two really need to get a room.

"I'm gonna go get some fresh air" I told JJ. And I left her alone. I went to the front porch and stared at the beautiful universe. Whenever I stared at the universe, I felt like all my problems went away. I felt peaceful and calm. That didn't last long. I ended up meeting face to face with Marianna.

"The party is inside. Knock yourself out" I ended up saying to Marianna.

"I didn't ask for your help".

"I gave it to you anyway" I said to her.

"I don't know who would want to rape you. You're so pathetic" Marianna ended up telling me. After she said that, I slapped her. Her words made me angry and I couldn't control my hand. Marianna went into the house. I actually felt good.

I heard a group of people laughing at side of the house. I walked over and I saw Matthew kissing Fred, and a group of people laughing.

"So he is gay!" Fred yelled at his friends. Then, Fred and the people started jumping Matthew. I had to jump in and break them up.

"What the hell are you doing, Fred!" I yelled in his face.

"We were just showing Matthew a lesson" he said smiling.

"What did he ever do to you!" I said getting louder and louder.

"He's gay. Being Gay is a sin, Chloe" Fred told me, as he stared at Matthew on the floor.

I got Matthew up and carried him to JJ's car. I laid him on the back seats and went inside to get JJ.

When I entered, I saw a group of people surrounding something. I went to the front and saw...Isabelle having a seizure. People were panicking. I started to panic too. It was so shocking to see Isabelle in that condition.

"We need to leave. The cops are gonna show up and see all this underage drinking" JJ pulled me out of the house.

We got into the car and JJ drove me home.

I entered the house. All the lights were off. I yelled out for my mom, but no one answered. I went into the kitchen...and that's when I saw it. My mom sitting down with her two wrists slit.

"Mom!" I yelled as I went over to her and held her. I could see the blood spilling into the floor. I went over to the house phone and called the police.

I waited and waited for the police to come. Thankfully, they showed up. I stared as they put my mom in the ambulance. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. The hope that my mom would die went away. Instead, I hoped for my mom to live.

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