Chapter 9

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It was a daily routine. Bring my mom breakfast at the hospital. Then, take Isabelle breakfast. Then, stay two hours with each. And finally, go home and do my homework.

I quit my job at Daniel's Grill. My mom told me everyday, "Chloe, we need the money". I had it covered though. I texted my aunt Sophia everyday for money. She was rich and money was no issue for her. But she only mailed money to ME. Her and my mom didn't really get along.

Sophia was always jealous of my mom. She thought that my mom was their parents' favorite and that she got all the attention.

When I went outside to the parking lot, I got a text from an anonymous phone number. It said "You look beautiful". I looked around to see if anybody was around. But nobody was. I thought somebody was trying to play a trick on me. So, I didn't text back.

I got to my house. When I got off the corvette, I heard footsteps. I could hear footsteps because it was Fall. Lots of leaves were on the sidewalks, and when people stepped on them it made a noise. I looked around again. But no one was there. I stared both ways and I didn't see anything. All I saw was two dark, long sidewalks. I got lost in the moment, which is why I jumped in fear when I heard my message notification.

I checked it. It was from the anonymous number again. This time..the words read "That was me".

I went over to JJ's apartment and banged on her door constantly. She opened up. Her hair was a mess and she had no shorts on. Thankfully, she was wearing a big ass shirt that covered her underwear.

"Can I sleep here tonight?" I asked her.

When I entered the apartment, I saw a guy laying down on her couch. He had no pants on and looked satisfied.

"Two for one price? Awesome!" He said.

JJ ended up kicking him out. She offered me a drink. I told her no and we sat down on her black, leather couch.

"Why do you wanna spend the night here?" She asked me as she took a taste of her beer.

"I feel like someone is stalking me or something".

She looked at me as if I was crazy. She started to laugh. I stared at her furiously. I was being serious with her and she took it as a joke.

"Stalkers are only real in movies silly" JJ said as she laughed again.

"Prostitution is only real in movies too" I told her.

"No it's not!" She yelled.

I told JJ that she had to quit her job as a prostitute. But she didn't listen.

"I can't. I have an appointment at 12:00" she said.

She was talking about midnight. What kind of sick freak gets blowjobs and sucks at midnight?

I slept in the other room while JJ did her thing in the living room. The loud moans from JJ made me uncomfortable. I had to push my blanket over my ears. I couldn't use a pillow because....well you know.

The next day, I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. I went into the kitchen and I saw JJ cooking. I was shocked. I didn't know prostitutes could cook.

"Wow. This smells delicious" I said as I smelled the air.

"My mom taught me. Come and eat" she said.

We sat down and ate the breakfast. The sausages were a little burnt but I tried to hide the disgust in my face.

  I got up and checked my message notifications. My mom always texted me in the mornings "hey sweetie. I hope you have a great day today". I checked and her adorable message was there. Along with other messages. From the anonymous number. I checked the messages and I saw something. I dropped my phone in fear.

"You dropped your phone, silly" JJ said as she picked my phone up. She looked at the messages and she saw it too.

"What the hell?" She said.

I started to tear up in fear. I didn't feel safe anymore.

"How does he have this picture of you, Chloe?" JJ asked me confusingly.

I looked at the picture again. It disturbed me. Someone had sent me a picture of me sleeping. I was sleeping on JJ's bed. The second message he sent said "You can't hide from me".

I went everywhere JJ went that day. If she had to use the bathroom, she had to take me with her. If she got arrested and went to jail, she had to take me with her. Everywhere she went I followed along like a baby duckling following her mama.

"What if it was that guy?" I asked JJ.

"What guy?"

"The guy you have the good time to".

"Why would he do that?He doesn't even know you" she said.

I didn't care though. He was the only one capable of taking a picture of me with nobody else knowing. So, I told JJ to find him. Luckily, she knew where he lived. She had to go to his house once to pleasure him.

We got to the man's house. It was a dusty, old house that looked haunted from the outside. Me and JJ approached the doorsteps. I looked around and saw demon statues on the porch. They were creepy.

The man finally opened up after JJ knocked five times.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"We need to talk to you" JJ said to the man.

We sat down on his couch. JJ got up from the couch and walked very slowly to the man. She stood in front of him and then all of a sudden, she starts hitting the guy.

"JJ, what are you doing?" I yelled at her.

"We're playing good cop, bad cop" she said.

Of course, I had to be the good cop. Believe it or not, JJ was more violent than me. In her old school, she ended up sending a girl to the hospital. JJ fought her because the girl was being a bitch. JJ left her halfway dead.

"Why did you take a picture of my friend here?" JJ questioned the man.

"I don't know what you're talking about" he said.

JJ slapped him twice. One slap on each  of his cheeks.

"Don't make me ask you again!" JJ got up in his face and yelled. The man started to cry. I giggled. He cried like a little baby.

"Someone told me to take a picture of her!" He said still crying.

This time I got into the conversation.

"Who sent you?" I asked him and waited for a response.

"I don't know his name. But it was a guy" he finally said.

Me and JJ looked at each other. We didn't have to get the name to know who sent him. We knew it had to be Jake Mendez.

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