Why Im Broken- Prolouge

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I heard the gunshot while I was running. I didn't dare look back because I was afraid there would be a bullet waiting for me. I stopped when I reached Lincoln Boulevard.  I turned around to see that my cousin, Matt, was no where to be found.

"Matt! Matthew!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Still no sign of him. This was the 3 time I got shot at in 2 months. Don't get me wrong. I don't go looking for trouble, but trouble came looking for Matt. He's an active gang member. And this time I had a feeling he was in trouble.

I hid behind a bush when I heard someone running. I looked and saw Matthew. I smiled in relief. He walked to the bus, my usual hiding spot and he whispered to me.
"Listen. Tell my mom I love her. Tell my baby girl I'll see her real soon but Daddy has to go." 

"Matt. What the hell are you talking about? Let's just run." He shook his head smiling.
"There's no running from this one. I love you, Hollywood." He looked to the side and I heard voices. "I love you cousin." He ran and I saw him go straight up the street. I ducked when I saw three shadows go past me.

What did he mean? He was gonna come home right?

I stuck my head out a little and I could see everything. Matthew fell on the ground. They jumped him. One pulled out a gun.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

The three boys looked down at him and quickly ran away. Oh God please.
When the coast was clear, I walked from by the bush and ran to my cousin. I looked at his lifeless body and fell to my knees. "Matthew. Cousin. Wake up buddy." I felt him breath heavily.
I felt hot tears come out of my eyes. "Oh my God my say something. Say something damn it!" He spit out blood and his eyes opened.
" Run"

I held his hand and tears kept falling. I watched as his soul slowly left his body. Then I felt it before I heard it. I tensed up as my whole body fell down, next to my cousins dead corps. I layed there in a pool of blood, until everything went dark.

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