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As Told By A Sim

Here is a hopefully clarifying Q and A

Q: Is this an actual, chaptered and all, story?
A: depends on the feedback it receives. But if you, reader, are interested in that, then it'll be my pleasure.

Q: So this seriously just revolves around the life of your Sims?
A: Pretty much, yeah, all the narrated events are ones that have actually occurred in the game.

Q: And until you get the feedback you desire, what is this going to be, exactly?
A: Just snippets of scenes that occur in the game.

Q: Anything else I need to know?
A: Nope, I think you're good to go now!

A/N: Enjoy the first snippet of one of my Sim's lives. This won't necessarily be the "first" chapter of the story, in fact, it could be considered a spoiler if I were to write the whole story down one day, as it's located near the middle of the story. But as I said before, this is just a random scene.
I'd love to see your comments and feedback!

Till the next A/N xx

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