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Quick A/n: there's a little bit of language in this chapter, so if you don't like language, I'm sorry...

Nashi's POV

I sit in the dark closet, waiting for Wendy to come and get me, when suddenly I heard Wendy shriek. I gasped and tried to open the door, only to find out that it had been locked from the outside. I started crying as I hear Mira shriek and a big 'thump'.

I was stuck here, I couldn't do anything. I knew I wouldn't have been able to do anything anyway, I am only five.

"Where is that little brat??" I hear the muffled voice of Archer yell out, as I hear some of his other guild mates murmur

"WELL GO FIND HER!" He yelled suddenly and I jumped.

Natsu's POV

Y/n and I had been able to escape. We might have run into some trouble though. By trouble I mean some of the shadow killers guild. They were easy to take down, but I used to much magic energy.

"You ok?" I ask Y/n

"Yeah just not used t fighting" she says as she pants. I chuckle and walk up to hug her

"I love you" I say as I bring her into a hug and kiss the top of her head.

"I love you too" she says as our moment was cut short by a chuckle.

"Well well well, look at the cute little couple" a man with orange hair, and blue eyes says. I pull Y/n behind me and narrow my eyes at the man

"Who the hell are you?" I yell as I prepare to fight. He smirks and sends a dark ball of magic towards us

Wendy's POV

I lay on the ground weak from archers attack. Mira was down too. I was to weak to get up but I know I needed to protect Nachos. I look over to Mira who had passed out, and I sighed. I had to protect Nashi

Gray's POV

Juvia and I haven't run into trouble yet, but I had a bad feeling. I've had a bad feeling about this while situation, but it's become worse. I'm just hoping we find Y/n and Natsu before it's to late..

3rd person POV

"Y-N!" Natsu yells as Y/n was hit with a dark orb from that man. He smirked and teleported away.

Before that though he said something to Natsu that sent shivers down his spine

Natsu runs over to Y/n and holds her in his arms

"Natsu.... it.... hurts" she chokes out as he starts to cry.

"I know just hold on and I'll get you to Wendy!" He says as he try's to pick her up.

"There's no point.." Y/n says smiling weakly at him. Blood now soaking natsu's clothes.

"I love you Natsu" Y/n says as she goes limp.

"Y/n?" Natsu shakily says as he starts to sob

"Y/N?!?" Natsu yells as he holds Y/n's lifeless body close to his. He looks into her dull E/c eyes, which once held the most beautiful shine, but now held nothing but emptiness.

Her destiny- sequel to: My Brothers Frenemy ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now