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We step out into the warm spring air and I sigh at the beautiful weather. All of the snow is officially gone now, leaving behind blooming pink and yellow flowers in its wake. The king and queen walk up to each other a plant a quick kiss on each others lips before the coachman holds out his hand and helps the two into an intricately decorated carriage. We wait until they are settled inside before me and Clair board the baby blue carriage behind them. Our skirts settle around us on the dark leather seat as the two of us scoot in and the door is slammed shut by the coachman, and Clair, being next to the door, locks it from the inside.

"Where are you going to be stationed today?" She inquires as soon as the door is locked and the heavy floral curtains on the windows drawn.

Clair is one of the few people who knows what I really am, a member of the kings undercover guard named for centuries the kings musketeers. My father was a kings musketeer, and so were all my grandfathers and great grandfathers and so on. I never knew who my mother was, I am a guards bastard if you will, yet a girl, not a boy.

Nearly a year ago to the day my father and former king and queen were killed in a freak accident when a lightning bolt struck the double compartment carriage they were in with two guards, lighting it aflame. 

Only a few unidentifiable bones were ever recovered.

Whenever one set of rulers dies, the old musketeers retire and are replaced with their heirs so each new regime has sets of guards all their own that they can develop relationships with. I immediately took my fathers old position and was also made one of the new queens lady in waiting to give her extra protection. The job was hard at first, for all of us, but a whole life of training made it easy to settle in and get to know our roles and each other. 

Together the usually 15-20 musketeers do any dangerous jobs the king needs to be done, and guard the king and the queen. Just because we have been training our whole lives for this doesn't mean it is easy, but to have this understated role is an amazing honor. For example, today we have to protect around 50 noble men and women who are coming with the royal family to view the eclipse, while being as inconspicuous as possible. We always try to blend into the environment around us so the element of surprise is on our side and to make people not used to having guards around feel comfortable. Because of this as well, no regular Veilriths know who we are, so we can walk around the kingdom pretty safely, without having to watch our backs constantly as a known noble man or his guards would. There are still plenty of people for us to look out for though, especially enemies of the crown.

"Ellllllle" Claire's teasing voice interrupts my thoughts, "are you gonna answer my question or what? I want to know where you'll be."

"Sorry, I got distracted. Umm, I'm supposed to find a birds eye view with Paul today." I'm usually put somewhere with a good view, because, not to brag, but I'm a pretty good shot with a gun. If you gave me a bow and arrow though, I would probably end up shooting myself somehow. 

I hope you like the story so far! Please leave comments (and maybe even vote?) I would really appreciate it!!! tell me especially if you think I'm moving the story to fast, it's about to get good though!! :) 

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