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When the room goes dark I immediately reach for my revolver underneath my skirts and nearly draw it, when all of a sudden one torch lights up in the center of the room. No one beneath us seems to be panicking, so I don't take it out just yet. Across the room Paul has a hand on the hilt of his sword and is staring intently at the happenings below as a voice echoes throughout the atrium.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, today is the day I have been waiting on for a long time. Through months of hard work and helpful deeds from the Veilrithian government, the most advanced space observer of all time has been developed by my trustworthy friend and astronomer; a man of the kingdom Tritenem. Though he is not able to attend our grand gathering today, we still celebrate these advances of our generation with great pleasure, and hope you throughly enjoy the show."

By the end of the announcement my eyes have grown adjusted to the dark two floors above the light source of the single torch and I can see it is Lord Marcel speaking  with the flames illuminating his face. He gives everyone a second to talk and I loose myself in my thoughts for a second. 

Our generation, I realize what Marcel said has truth. The elders who ruled us seemingly not so long ago have, now that I've thought about it, have handed most of their responsibilities to the younger. We have all become young adults now, with responsibilities suddenly laid on our shoulders. From the younger like me, barely even twenty, to those who are nearly forty and already have children of their own. Our one thing in common is that our parents and protectors have grown to old and weary to do their usual duties which have now been handed down to us. From the housewives to their laboring husbands working day in day out, to the servants of a wealthy house, to the lords and ladies, and even to the king and queen, we are transitioning into the next step for our kingdoms.

It all sounds amazing in ones head, a new time coming with change for the better and peace for all. However nearly all transitions of power such as this have lead to clashes between kingdoms, some small and really just inconvenient and others gigantic. It has been unusually peaceful this first year of the new Veilrithian reign though, and there has been a lingering tension in the air as we wait to be taken advantage of, but never are.

By the time my train of thought rumbles past, the people down below have acquired pairs of dark paper glasses meant to watch the eclipse through. I wish I had some, but Paul and I need to stay in the shadows up here where no one can see us. A bit of chattering is still going on as the room slowly quiets into a silence I can only suppose is as quiet as the moon's own lonely surface.

People slowly walk towards the projection on the white marble as the moon begins to cover the sun.

So hiiiii. Thank you so much for reading this far!!!! I have found a few mistakes such as in one of the earlier chapters I said Paul handed Elle a musket when I meant to say revolver, and the fact that its during a solar eclipse that the sun is covered by the moon and not a lunar😂 but I'm just writing this for fun so it doesnt really matter and again thank you so much!!!! and If you have a book of yours you'd like me to read and vote on just comment it and I would love to :)

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