Part One

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Everyone was born with a soulmate. Everyone was born with the ability to communicate with their soulmate through writing on their skin. Everyone, except Dean Winchester.

Dean Winchester was the exception to this rule. He had been desperately writing on his arms since he first discovered what a soulmate was, however, he never once got a response.

His kind were rare and often hated. They were called 'bare-arms'. They were 'freaks of nature' people supposed. However, Sam never once thought that about his older brother. Sam was always there for him, a constant light in the never-ending sea of darkness.

In middle-school, he constantly drew on his arms in the hopes he would get a response. After realising he would never get a response, he began to persuade Sam to write fake notes on his arm, to which Sam willingly complied.

Dean envied Sam slightly. His soulmate was a girl called Jessica. Of course, Sam would never be allowed to meet the girl, their father, John, would never allow it. Dean was half-selfishly grateful that he didn't have a soulmate to lie to, to keep secrets from about his family. A soulmate he could never meet because of his father.

He never told Sammy any of this, of course. He always told his brother that he would meet his soulmate when the time was right. Sam always believed him, after all, why would Dean lie about anything like this.

Sam had met his soulmate at college. He had left his brother and father to pursue his dream of studying law and becoming a lawyer. Dean was incredibly proud of his younger brother, following his heart. However, he was slightly jealous of him, for the exact reason he was proud of his brother and for being able to give up hunting.

Sam's soulmate had been a beautiful girl, gorgeous blonde hair, smart as well. She had been perfect for Sam. She was everything Sam had every wanted in a partner, and more. But she had died. Dean had persuaded Sam to hunt with him, for John. She had died just like their mother had, so many years ago, burning on the ceiling. And Sam, Sam was convinced it had been his fault. Dean knew it was really his. Him and his selfish desire to be loved. His desire to be with his brother. His desire to not be alone anymore.


Everyone was born with a soulmate. Everyone was born with the ability to communicate with their soulmate through writing on their skin. Everyone, except James Novak.

James Novak was the exception to this rule. He had been desperately writing on his arms since he first discovered what a soulmate was, however, he always got two responses.

James Novak was different. He was born with two soulmates, rather than one. On one arm, his right, was slanted, cursive writing, one he learnt to belong to a young girl called Amelia. On his left arm was rather scruffy handwriting. When he tried to write a response to his other partner, he never got a reply.

As time went on, his second significant other stopped writing, doodling on their arm. Over time, Jimmy tried to forget about his other soulmate, the occasional memo or reminder on the back of his hand, reminding Jimmy there was another special someone out there for him. He met Amelia in high school, when he was 15. Amelia was a year older than him and she was gorgeous. Tall, long blonde hair and absolutely stunning. She had a wicked sense of humour and was incredibly smart. Jimmy Novak considered himself to be one insanely lucky guy.

Amelia and Jimmy got engaged in 1992. Jimmy was 19, Amelia 20 and they couldn't be happier. The couple were wed on a beautiful September afternoon in 1995. It was a small wedding, just close friends and family were invited. Jimmy cried. His new wife was breathtakingly beautiful in her white wedding gown.

1997 was Jimmy's second favourite year. It was the year his precious daughter, Claire, was born. As she grew up, Jimmy saw that she was the exact image of her mother, beautiful blonde hair and Jimmy's blue eyes. Jimmy cried. His daughter was more than he could have ever wished for.

James Novak was nothing special though. He was a completely normal man. He met his soulmate when he was fairly young and he had married her. He had a daughter he would give up the world for. He was just like every other man. Except for one thing. He had another 'arm-marker'.

It was 2008. James Novak was 35 when everything he knew and held dear changed. James Novak was 35 when his entire world was turned upside down. James Novak was 35 when he discovered that his second soulmate wasn't meant for him. They were meant for an Angel. An Angel who would use Jimmy as his vessel. An Angel by the name of Castiel, the Angel of Thursdays.

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