Part Two

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Castiel frowned. He'd been doing that a lot recently. He was, to put it simply, fed up. Fed up of being bossed around by the older and 'higher up' angels. The angels up above had given him a new mission. Save Dean Winchester.

"Why?" You may ask. Castiel didn't know. All he knew was the angels had a plan, a plan that involved the elder Winchester. Castiel sighed heavily. He hated being told to do stuff and never finding out why he should do so. It was like being a young human child, being told they can't do something because it's 'wrong' but then no one will tell them why it's wrong because they're simply 'too young to understand'.

Anyway, back to what Castiel was doing. He was currently stood in front of a mirror in a motel bedroom. He stared at his reflection in mirror and his reflection glared back at him blankly. He frowned deeply. He decided that he didn't like the clothes the vessel had been wearing; a red jumper and black joggers. No, that wouldn't do at all. Castiel would have to go shopping before he went out to meet the Dean Winchester.


Dean was bored. Even though he had only been back from Hell for a week, he was bored of life on Earth. It would have been an alright week if he had something to hunt but Sam was insistant on him resting up or researching how he (Dean) had gotten back from Hell.

"Hey! Dean! Could you get some stuff from the store?" Sam yelled from the bathroom, where he had just had a shower.

Dean groaned inwardly, agreeing to doing so anyways. Maybe something interesting would happen, who knows!

Sam began listing items Dean needed to buy, which Dean absentmindedly wrote on the back of his hand so he wouldn't forget. It's not like he had a soulmate who could read it anyways.


Castiel had opted to buy a 'casual' suit and a blue tie to go with it. He'd always liked the colour blue, it matched his grace but he had never had a favourite colour, it was such a human thing to do, picking favourites out of a a group of items.

Although Castiel had just bought a new outfit suited to his style, there was something missing. And that's when he saw it. A tan trench coat in a shop window. It was perfect, Castiel loved it immediately.

"Have a good day!" The cashier chirped happily, waving him out of the door. Castiel waved awkwardly back at her, she had been such a kind, helpful young woman. Castiel could tell she would lead a good life.

"Wait! Sir! Wait!"

Castiel was no more than five minutes away from the shop where he had bought the trench coat, when the cashier ran after him.

"Sir, sorry! You forgot this!" She panted, holding out a wallet. Castiel patted his trouser pockets, feeling slightly embarrassed. He hadn't even realised it wasn't there

"Oh. Thank you," Castiel replied taking the wallet off her.

"It's no problem! Oh, it seems your soulmate has left you a message!" She smiled, pointing at his hand.

Castiel frowned, looking at the back of his hand. He couldn't have a soulmate, he was an angel. It must be his vessels soulmate. However, now that he thought about it, he had never heard of angels receiving their vessels' soulmates messages before.

Castiel read the scruffy writing, murmuring it softly under his breath. The woman smiled softly at him.

"My soulmate always writes me these really cute messages to get me through the day! She's always so thoughtful!" The cashier said dreamily. "Ah, sorry! I should probably leave you to it! Enjoy your day!"

She ran off, back into the direction of her store. Castiel didn't really pay her any attention and hadn't been paying her any attention since she pointed out the message.

Caeser Salad
Carton of OJ

Castiel stared. It appeared to be a shopping list. Should he write something back to this 'soulmate'?

Pulling out a ballpoint pen, Castiel scribbled a short message on the back of his hand beneath the list and began heading backwards to his motel, checking his hand every few minutes.

A/N: I'm sorry my chapters are so short, I write on my phone and I don't write very often so I end up writing short chapters so I can update more frequently. I hope you like it so far and please leave me feedback on what you think and ways I can improve! 💞
Also, apologies if any of the information is incorrect or isn't exactly like the show (ignoring the soulmates AU) as it has been a while since I've seen some of the earlier seasons and I can't remember everything that has happened!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2017 ⏰

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