Cheater! Yoosung x Reader

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This was requested by AkabaneTh 

Ahhh, it's been so long since I have risen from the depths of fan fiction reading in my library. Now I suppose it's time for me to begin writing again. I'm glad to see you again my lovely readers!

Walking around the dark streets of Korea was quite the adventure. From Y/N's perspective she had thought the way the street shop's lights and the peace of the neighborhood had been something to take into account as she stopped in her tracks. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and then she smiled. Her boyfriend who was right next to her smiled along with her, his cheerfulness had been quite the reliever from the stresses of attempting to help out with the RFA. 

"I really enjoy these times with you, Y/N." Yoosung began, looking at her features while admiring the small details like her cute eyelashes, and her rosy cheeks that had appeared during the walk. He looked at her eyes, his gaze soft and warm towards her. "The times where we can walk and talk, and-" he cut himself off for a moment. His hand that was intertwined with her's lifted up as a gesture, "-hold hands together."

Y/N looked up at her boyfriend, the affection vivid in her eyes. "I like this too, especially when you're not playing LOLOLOL," she teased, beginning to move once more as they both began walking again on the side walk. "Cause now I have your full attention."

Yoosung tilted his head, before chuckling at her remark. "Awahh, you know you make my heart beat so fast . . . what do I do? I like you so much, Y/N. It feel's like my heart's going to explode." He replied fully focused on her actions, her touch, everything about her seemed so lovely to him. He then stopped walking, making her stop as well. Y/N turned around only to be met with Yoosung's lips placed complacent onto her own. Their lips molded into a perfect fit. If only she could breathe without her lungs then she would have continued the kiss. 

"Oi! We're in public, Yoosung-" Her voice was cut off by his lips once more. However, unlike the kiss before, this one was quite sweet and chaste. The female glanced over his features, observing his cute smile that appeared often than not on his lips. 

"I love you, Y/N. I want to be your strength, and support you and stay by your side." Yoosung had proclaimed, his eyes staring ever so intently back at hers. It would've been quite the staring contest if they hadn't blinked during this moment. If the woman wasn't blushing before, the blood had certainly made it's way to her cheeks now. 

Her elongated eyelashes fluttered before struggling to look anywhere else but his gaze. She couldn't come up with a response quick enough to battle his proclamation of his love. "I- . . . well, I love you too Yoosung. I really do, and I will stay at your side and support you just the same." She truly wished that this moment they had could last forever, that the events that had happened could be crossed out of her timeline. That his words would have stayed true and this memory wouldn't have just been a waste of time.

In the following years to come they had shared moments like this. Moments of true love, real love, the love that people look all over the world for and can't find. But Y/N had noticed some slight changes in her time of being in the RFA. In her time of dating Yoosung, in the time of being so sure that they were in love. She had known that in a relationship, people change, they show their true colors after getting the person they wanted to like them. 

However this was different from that.

During the years that she had dated him, he was consistent with his personality and traits until 7 months ago. The feeling of something uncomfortable, hidden, and it was noticeable in her friends in the RFA as well. All the members seemed to be hiding something from her. From time to time she'd have her deep conversations with them and then of course, she'd get curious about what was happening. Maybe ask a few questions to them about Yoosung and then she'd express her concerns and feeling about him to them. However as soon as she asked, they'd all get uncomfortable and then seek to find a new topic of interest. Only a myriad of times had she received the same response.

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