chapter 3

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I soghed and took my place at the gorilla. Seth had slept in my bed the whole week and damn that man can snore.

I finished the rest of my monster energy drink before heading out to the ring. I did my thing and waited for AJ.

"Listen up listen up" Dean's face appeared on the big screen with the shield's trademark home-video-recording-thing. I couldn't help but smile at their cheesy style.

"We have an announcement" Roman stared at me through the screen and the smile was wiped off my face.

"As of today" Seth burst out enthusiastically "the shield is in alligence with one person" I frowned. I would have thought it was me, but the way they were looking, I doubted it.

I think I just worked out what it was about

'Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta... SHIELD'

Leading the trio was none other then AJ. I can't believe this. My own brother has betrayed me. If he interferes and costs me a title, I'm going to snap his neck.

I stiffened as Seth lifted her over the barrier. Then I became dead as, just before she slid into the ring, she pulled him into a kiss.

As the bell rang AJ hit me to the floor. What happened to never leaving me? What happened to family first? What is...

As soon as I stood back up, AJ had me and delivered a back breaker. I cried out in pain even though I didn't feel it.

Dean distracted the referee as AJ repeatedly punched me in the face. I couldn't move. I don't know what it was. Wether it was the friendship I'd formed with Roman that had just Disintigrated. Perhaps it was the love I'd formed for Seth that just snapped. Or even the supposibly unbreakable bond with Dean that had slipped out of my grasp.

I'm not too sure which one it is, but one of them have paralysed me.

AJ finally slid off me and performed the elbows down pin. She won of course amd quickly slid out the ring. The last thing I saw was Seth wrap his arm around her waist before the pain kicked in.

The shrill scream echoed off the walls of the arena amd probably curdled milk. I let out another one and then another. I rolled onto my side and tears fell onto the mat.

Some people finally came amd got me out of the ring and took me to the training room where a doctor examined for any damage.

"One broken rib" I heard him say quietly to someone else "a bruised bone in her left arm and lots mors bruising" That wasn't even what hurt the most.

What hurt most was the fact that I was abandoned. I was abandoned by Dean. I was abandoned by Seth. And I was abandoned by Roman. I'm never going to forgive them


I got out of the shower and got dressed quickly. Walking into my room almost made me cry. All the packed boxes just made everything seem so real.

I'd decided to move out. Seeming as I'be already been too much of a burden on Dean, I figured I'd be gone before he got back from work.

"Come on Henry" I called "lets go for a walk" they were due back tomorrow so I figured I would take a break. Just a quick one though.

Me and Henry jogged through The park I used to play on as a kid with Dean. Kid's laughter filled the air and I was envious of how carefree they could be.

"Good boy Henry" I cooed as he ran to his water bowl. I sighed and got myself a bottle of water before heading upstairs to finish packing.

"What is this?" I stared at Dean who had opened a few freshly taped boxes. Roman sat on the edge of my bed and Seth was sitting cross legged at Roman's feet.

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