Hunting the Hunter

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Cayde stood at his desk. He was quiet mainly because it was still early in the morning in his sanctuary. With a wave of his hand, Cayde pulled up a holographic screen. His eyes were fixed on the footage that he took from the cameras that surrounded to hangar. The video was calm, nothing moved as it should of been. 30 seconds had passed. Cayde studied the footage. He paused the footage which revealed a man who wasn't there before.
"Um, we meet once more my friend."
Cayde tapped on the holopad twice then zoomed in on the dark figure by swiping two fingers farther apart from each other. The footage struggled to focus. The man was clearly a Warlock.
Cayde shook his head, "Sammy, sammy, sammy, what are you doing?"
The man stood there looking directly at the camera. His head tilted slightly to the left. The man extended his hand. He pointed to the camera then waved slowly. As the man walked off he had vanished into a blue light simular to what the vex had use to faze in and out of time.
Cayde slammed his hand down on his desk, "Saaaaaammy!"
Cayde quickly moved to the hangar. He walked over to Eclipse' s ship.
"Hey Ace, scan this ship. I want to know everything I can before it leaves to Mars. Oh and scan the Titan too. Don't stop at the main Archive files, break into files that were before the Calapse. I think we have a jumper."
The black ghost with an Ace of Spades imprinted on all sides appeared in front of Cayde. Ace flew around the ship scanning as much as it could before getting caught.
Cayde had returned to his desk at the Vangaurd hall. He pulled out a map of Mars and Venus then grabbed a thick book from one of the compartments in his desk. Cayde skimmed through a couple pages searching for the word Illusion.
Illusion, an A.I. which had gone missing for a thousand year. It was the first of its kind.
Cayde found a note in one pages that read "43-V.E.X- transfusion-AI."
Cayde copied the text down to his holopad. Instantly a video showed up.

"My name is dr.Shim, we've recently discovered life on a planet call Mercury. We call them the Vex. One of our field agents met up with them 3 days ago. He said that they didn't speak but he was able to hear them. His partner said a completely different story. My theory is that these creature speak or communicate to the Exos. This would explain why one of the field agents could communicate while the others couldn't hear anything from them. We plan to send team of Exos to make a deal with them. Maybe we could form an alliance with them, or maybe we can learn about them. Wish us luck. Dr.shim signing off." Dr.Shim reach for the camera and the recording ended.
Cayde walked away from his desk. He looked at his hand which wasn't equipped with flesh but of robotic parts. "Dr.Shit head was right. But that's not the only thing we could do."
Cayde gave a strong squeeze as he clenched his fist. "Ace, call in Ryan. I've got a mission for him.

Ryan exited his room with sense trailing him. "Hey Ryan, let's check up on our friend."
Ryan remains quiet. He started to walk faster and faster slowly breaking into a run.
Sense struggled to catch up, "what's the rush?!"
When Ryan arrived at Eclipse' s ship he paused. He was looking at something, something that he dreampted about. "Keep quiet."
Ryan circled around back. He heated up his right as he formed a fist. His fist started to glow a bright red. Ryan carefully made a circle with his finger around the metal shell revealing a hidden compartment. It was empty.
"What the hell? My dream was wrong."
Eclipse appeared behind him with his arms crossed. "Red, what are you doing to my ship?"
Ryan stood up fast, "I had this dream about a map. It was here I swear."
Eclipse looked at Ryan with anger, "You destroyed my ship for a stupid map." Eclipse shoved Ryan causing his back to slam against the ship.
The other guardians noticed the commotion. One of the Hunters ran to get Cayde and with in seconds Cayde was watching the two in their conflict.
Eclipse picked up Ryan by the collar of his Warlock robe. "I swear to god if you do this shit again I will have no problem throwing you off my ship in deep space."
Ryan struggled to keep his feet on the ground. Anger and fear build inside him. Ryan heated up his hand. He gave Eclipse a nice punch in his helmet.
Eclipse dropped his hold. He screamed as the inside of his helmet burned him. He ran into his ship and quickly closed his catch.
Sense looked at Ryan in fear. "You, you could of killed him. What were you thinking?"
Ryan dropped his gaze to his hand. It was still warm from the punch. He was breathing heavy, afraid of what just happened. He saw everyone looking at him. Tears started to form as his actions settled in his mind. Ryan quickly ran to his room.
Cayde shook his head, "What the hell just happened?"
Sense explained the story to Cayde. He sat and listened to sense trying to not laugh. Cayde made his way towards Ryan's room. He knock on his door. " Hey bud, I got something for you." Cayde waited for a response but Ryan was too ashamed of his actions to answer. "I got a mission for you, last one and you get to choose rather or not you want to say, deal?"
The silence was broken by Ryan as he opened the door. "What is it now?"
Cayde smiled, "A solo mission to Mars. Just you and your spark plug."
Sense quickly turned to Cayde. He gave him a hostile look which Cayde found very amusing.
Ryan looked at sense then back at Cayde, "When do I go?"
Cayde shuffled his boots while looking at his wrist pretending to look at a watch which clearly wasn't there. "Are you doing anything right now?"
A smile cracked on Ryan's face, "I already packed."
Cayde laughed then gave him a nod. "Meet me at the hangar in 20 minutes."
Cayde walked off.

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