Ripple effect

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July 27th

Blackout leaded against the wall. He pulled out a small pocket watch from his pocket. The watched popped open with a gentle swipe of his thumb. He looked at the tiny print that was engraved in the gold metal.
Sense hovered towards blackout, " What's with humans keeping old things? First Cayde with the picture of you and Now you with an old watch."
Blackout rubbed the writing, " It isn't just some old watch you floating computer."
Sense jumped back due to his harsh words, " You wouldn't understand. Old things like these have meaning. A reason to keep existing instead of crumbling to dust."
Sense looked at the watch then back at Blackout, " If it's so important then what's it's story?"
Blackout closed the watch softly, "Its made from the armor of the first Vex Minotaur I killed." Blackout gripped the watch with anger, " It's the one that caused the one I hold close to me to lose their mind."
Sense watched Ryan who was watching the sun fall to rest over the mountains with Arya. They held each others hands as they talked about who knows what. Sense blinked as they leaned closer to each other, " Does Ryan ever enter the void?"
Blackout gave a shocked look towards sense, " I wasn't told that he get infected by the void."
Sense quickly turned to Blackout, " Did the future already change?"
Blackout quickly grabbed his autorifle, " We have to leave for the jump now." Blackout quickly waved towards Ryan and Arya, " We have to go now. Get everything you need now before it's too late."

April 28th

  Eclipse stood in the middle of the field of red flowers. Elizabeth ran playfully through the field. She spun around in circles then fell on her back. She breathed in the fresh air releasing a smile, " Why are you just standing there? Sit with me me silly."
  Eclipse fell next to her. They smiled as their eyes met, " What do we have planned today?"
  Elizabeth pulled him closer to her by his titan armor, " I say we lay her until the sun falls."
  Eclipse's eyes shot open. He was impressed how easily she moved him, " That sounds like a plan to me."
  Dark blue clouds formed above Eclipse and Elizabeth. Lightning could be seen within the heart of a cloud.
  Eclipse growled as the cloud grew bigger, " What do you want now you over grown toaster ovan."
  The Minotaur's hand shoot out from the portal. It's hand held eclipse up off the ground ftom his neck. The Minotaur's red eye was the only thing visble in the smoke, 'Your friends are on their way. I just want to remind you what's at stake.' The screeched as it laughed, ' Don't let the one you love down by choosing your expendable friends over her.' The Minotaur released Eclipse, ' See you soon Andrew.'
  Eclipse remained still as his body burned for fear.

  Elizabeth shook Eclipse, " Andrew wake up, you're dreaming." She kissed his forehead softly.
  Andrew opened his right eye as he attempt to adjust to the morning light. He sat up slowly then looked around the room.
  Elizabeth sat still watching him, " You had a nightmare." She gave him a hug. She could feel his heart beating fast, " Do you want to talk about it?"
  Andrew leaned his head on her shoulder, " It's nothing to worry about. I'm fine I promise."
  Elizabeth smiled as she got up, " Good because the last thing I want you to do is stress over a dream." She paused as they made eye contact. Elizabeth softly rubbed her forehead on his, " I love you so much."
  Andrew laughed as they both started to head downstairs for breakfast, " I love you more."
April 28th

  Blackout, Arya, and Ryan jumped out of light blue smoke. Blackout's ghost materialized next to him. Blackout looked up to the sky shifting his eyes from left to right, " Dawn would you mind doing a scan for Vex activity. I have a terrible feeling we're too late."
  Dawn froze as he made his scans, " most recent Vex activity accured 6 hours ago. Do you want me to identify it's whereabouts?"
  Blackout shook his head, " no need." He fell silent as he looked to Ryan, " Because he'll find us."
  Ryan held his Suros close to him while Arya looked off toward the small village, " Ryan look." She pointed towards the village in excitement, " Isn't it adorable? It's so small and peaceful."
  Ryan's visor reflected the sun's light, " Never thought Eclipse would live in such a calm place."
  Blackout looked at Ryan for a moment, " Is that an inside joke or something?"
  Ryan shook his head as he walked closer to the village, " No it's just that he's a titan with a temper. I just don't see him in a place like this."
  Blackout shot in front, " A women can do wonders to a man if he loves her."
  Ryan stopped in his tracts rubbing his neck, " Yeah I believe it."
  Arya bumped him softly as she walked passed him, " Is that so." She laughed playfully, " This shall be fun."

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