Chapter 1

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"Another beer over here" I heard from across the room. I rolled my eyes, "maybe if you said please" I yelled back as I filled a glass. I heard chuckling as I made my way over to a table full of middle aged men.

The one that was asking for another beer was standing, I held his glass in my hand waiting for him to ask politely. "Awh come on little mama can I pppllleeeaaasssseee have my beer" he teased.

He smelled of smoke and alcohol, his hair was greasy and his teeth were yellow. I sighed and handed him his glass before I turned and began to walk away. I didn't have time to worry about low life losers like them.

I heard a cat call as I was walking away and my stomach turned. Of course working as a bartender as a women was dangerous. Men's eyes followed me every step I took but I needed this job, it was one of the few I could get.

I walked into the bathroom and placed my hands on the sink. My head ached and when I looked up into the mirror I was taken back. I looked like shit. My hair was messy, purple underlined my eyes, and my cheeks were red.

Tears flood my eyes and spill into the sink, I don't want to live this life anymore. I am mentally and physically exhausted, every night I work here until one in the morning. Then I go home and sleep until 5:00 am. I wake up and I go work as a house cleaner until around 3 pm. My work here starts at 7 pm so that leaves me four hours to rest up. But it's never enough.

I am always tired, I never feel like doing anything fun with my friends. Not that I would ever have time. I wipe the tears away, I need to go back out and work. When I walk out I see my friend Casey. Here works here with me. He gives me a sad smile showing me he knows what just happened. "Come here" he says gently and wraps me in his arms.

Casey is always here for me, he is my best friend. His strong arms hold me tight when I need him the most and I don't have any idea how to repay him. "It's okay Jensen, you're going to get through this" he says and I nod my head but I know he is wrong. This is my life and this is how it's going to be until I die.

"Thank you Casey" I say and he kisses my cheek. "Anything for you Jens" he says. I give him a toothless smile before I head behind the counter to serve more drunk idiots.

Just when I think everyone is heading out I hear the door open again. A man with long dark hair and brown puppy dog eyes walks in. He wears a ball cap backwards and a grey hoodie with jeans and converse.

He takes a seat at the bar and sighs. Just by looking at him you can tell he had a rough night, and for some odd reason I feel sympathy for him. Maybe he is just like me, maybe he is poor and has a low paying job and is just trying to get through.

"Can I help you sir?" I ask nicely. He looks up at me and a sad smile plasters his face as he nods. "Can I just get a Busch please" he asks. "Of course" I say as I fill a large glass cup. He takes his hat off and runs his hand through his long hair.

I will admit he was attractive and he was nice. I hand him his glass, "here you go sir" I say. "Thank you, but please, call me Brian" he says. His voice his sexy and I am intrigued by him.

"Hello Brian I am Jensen" I say. His eyes meet mine, "Jensen... I like that name". I smile and my eyes make contact with the floor. "Thank you" I say. I look up again to see him grinning as he stares at me. "What?" I say a I laugh a little.

He chuckles, "you're gorgeous". I was not expecting those words to come out of his mouth. I am far from gorgeous. But I don't want to be rude so I take the compliment. "Thank you Brian, you're not to bad looking yourself". He chuckles and gives me a wink before he takes a sip of his beer.

I keep taking peeks of Brian from behind the bar and his sad expression makes me want to give him a hug. It's weird, I'm usually never attracted the the men I meet in the bar. But Brian seems different. My shift ends in about five minutes and my bed is calling my name. "Is there anything else I can get you Brian before my shift ends?" He seems to think for a moment.

"You're number?" He asks. I smile and grab a napkin. I write down my number and hand his the napkin. "Call me" I say and I turn and walk away. I feel his gaze on me as I leave. My cheeks are red and my stomach is full of butterflies, never in a million years did I think I would say that to anyone. A smile creeps onto my cheeks, I'm proud of myself.

"Goodnight Casey" I call out and I hear him yell back. "Goodnight Jens, seeya tomorrow!"

I drive home and it's a struggle to reach the fourth floor of this stupid apartment. My legs are exhausted and as soon as I get inside my tiny room I turn the shower on. I grab my phone out of my purse and set it on the sink as I strip out of my outfit. I was thin, maybe a little too thin. But I was not complaining. I like how I look besides the scars on my wrists.

The most recent one was last month and I am still resisting the urge to feel the pleasurably pain. The steam fogs the mirror and I step in the hot shower. Brian's name keeps popping up in my head causing me to grin. Will he ever actually call me? I hope he does.

Hey everyone! So I'm a huge impractical jokers fan but an even bigger Brian Quinn fan. I hope you like the story so far :). Please stay active, comment, and vote on each chapter. I love you all and follow my insta for pictures of the guys @qs.impractical.joker

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