Hanahaki Disease Explained.

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Before I begin the story , I must explain the ' Hanahaki Disease '. It is a fictional disease caused by unrequited love.  ( Unreturned love.) Let me use an example.

Hey! So everyone's pointing out that it doesn't go away 'naturally' and I see where you're coming from. By naturally I mean the feelings go away(for whatever reason). In a version of the illness(which is not real as some of you might not know) I read that was the explanation. Thank you for pointing out the mistake though
Person A loves Person B , but sadly Person B does not love them back. Person A is devastated and develops the disease. Person A coughs and throws up flower petals. Only if it goes away naturally or Person B loves them back will Person A recover. Without this , the flower petals with overflow the lungs and they will die.

I hope that explains a bit! Of course you can look it up to get a better explanation! Enjoy the one shot !

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