The quote

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Hello! Ok, so I need a nickname to call you guys. So, let's see what you guys come up with!

Here's the quote that started it all:
"Good. A dark truth like that could destroy her. Like it did to Viggo and me." - Ryker Grimborn from My other half.

Why is this so important? Why am I making an entire book just to address this simple quote? Is this really that important? Here's your awnser. This quote is so important, that I've made you guys wonder about it for months with out awnser. I could have just simply awnsered your 'but what happened?'

But, I didn't. And here's your awnser.

This is the origin story of Viggo and Ryker. The Grimborn Brothers.

The Grimborn BrothersWhere stories live. Discover now