Masons and Talons

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(Viggo's POV)
"Viggo. Your Grandfather wants a word with you." Dad said coming into the living room

I nodded. My grandfather entered the room. Ryker was carrying something heavy behind him.
"Viggo, my grandson. Drop it here Ryker." He said.

Ryker dropped it and left. My grandfather sat across from me in chair.
"Hello Grandfather. What's this?" I asked

He smiled and pulled off the sheet off the board. I gawked
"Masons and Talons. The game of future Chifes. Care to play?"

I nodded.
(Time Skip)
"I sentence them death by a WhisperingDeath." I said. I paused to laugh
"For good measure."

My grandfather sighed.
"If you must. Now, Viggo. How many soldiers are there in Mason and Talons?"
"And you just captured seven of my men."
"Yes. I did." I laughed
"Give up?" I asked

He chuckled softly.
"Oh. My dearest boy. I would, but you have failed to realize that my one soldier has a mace to your Kings head." He said moving his pice

He chuckled and took my king off the game board. I gawked, staring at where the king once stood.
"For a boy your age, that was a very good game."
"But...but how?"
"Pieces, as are  people, expendable no one is in replaceable."  He said walking at the room

His words echoed through out my head. I ran out the door to follow him. I caught him as he was about to leave.

"Wait! What's your strategy?" I asked

He froze and chuckled. He took my king out of his pocket. He knelt down to my eye level. He held the pice up in front​ of my face

"They say there are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe what is. Remember this, Grandson, and you shall be successful in almost everything you do." He said giving the pice to me.

He stood and left. I opened my palm to see the king staring at me. I closed my palm. Noticing how late it was, I went to bed. His words ringing​ through my head. Both his first and last words. If both speeches.

The Grimborn BrothersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang