v. text/life

119 8 6

(friend boy💖 = Luke in Charlotte's phone, mine = Charlotte in Luke's phone)

1 new message from friend boy 💖

friend boy 💖

meet me @ our bench in ten minutes <3.


got it.

Charlotte locked her phone and slipped it into the pocket of her hoodie before she bounded down the stairs.  "Ryan, just a heads up that I'm heading out for a bit!" She hollered into the living room at her brother.

"To see Luke?" He questioned, putting down the TV remote.

"What does it matter?  I'm an adult!" The youngest Reynolds protested, "I can do what I want."

"I just don't like him!" Ryan countered back at his sister, "There's just something weird-"

"STOP HARASSING YOUR SISTER!" Blake cut him off from the nursery.

Charlotte smirked, feeling pleased that someone was on her side.  "I'll text if I'm not back tonight," She assured.

"You better," Ryan grumbled, unable to do more because of the consequences his wife would put on him.  

Charlie let the door slam behind her, knowing it would make her brother jump, before going down the front steps of the house and onto the sidewalk.  It was a short walk to the park where she and Luke met for the first time, but from the start of the grassy expanse to the secluded bench where she and Luke shared there first kiss was another story.  The blonde jogged down the path before cutting through two giant shrubs, making her way through a clump of trees, before weaving her way through large peony bushes, then finally coming to a small fountain hidden by evergreens with a vine covered bench perfectly shaded by a willow tree.

The sight was breathtaking.  Luke was sitting on a white blanket spread on top of a patch of soft clovers with a bottle of wine, bread and cheese, and a small pizza.  His short brown hair was purposely jelled in a messy tousle of soft, curly locks and his shirt pulled tight around his biceps. Charlie didn't know if it was the way her boyfriend looked or the picnic he prepared that made her melt.

"Hey..." Luke stood up and ran a hand through his hair, causing his arms to flex against the fabric of his top.  "You're early."

"I may or may not have jogged most of the way," Charlotte explained.  She stood on her tip-toes to place a soft kiss on her boyfriends lips. 

Luke chuckled as he placed his large hands on her small waist as he kissed her back.  "Well then hopefully you worked up an appetite?" He questioned after pulling away from her lips.

"I did!" Charlotte laughed and looked up at him with twinkling eyes, "Hopefully this food isn't all for you."

"It's to share," Luke replied as he sat down, pulling Charlotte along with him.

The two landed in a giggling mess.  Charlotte was draped across Luke's lap as he smiled down at her.  "Oh, I was going to eat it myself" She joked, lifting a hand to flick his forehead.  


Luke twisted a lock of Charlotte's blonde hair around his finger as she smiled up sweetly at him. The food was long gone, as well as the bottle of red wine he had brought, and the sky was starting to grow dark.  It was the moment Luke was waiting for.  He shifted slightly to reach for his nearby jacket, and he slipped his hand into the pocket, his hand wrapping around the cool metal.  "I have something for you Lottie..." He finally whispered, breaking a silence that had been hanging in the air for almost half an hour.

Charlotte shifted slightly, before sitting up next to him.  "What is it?" Her brows furrowed in confusion.

Luke dangled a small key chain in front of her, his heart pounding louder than ever.  "Move in with me."

"I-" Charlotte started to reply but Luke cut her off.

"Before you answer, let me just say we've known each other for five years, been a couple for almost thwo, and you live with your brother and his wife so that can't be fun, and I love you-" He took a deep breath, feeling winded from his long answer, "So your only logical option is yes."

"I was going to say yes you idiot!" Charlotte announced, punching him in the shoulder as she took the key.  "Let me text my brother and tell him I won't be back tonight."

"Good." Luke replied, letting out a long exhale of relief.  He felt his heart balloon in his chest, and a feeling of calm run through his veins.  Nothing could ruin this moment, not even Ryan, no matter how much he hated him.  Charlotte was HIS and nothing would change that. 

((I hope you guys start to ship Luke and Charlotte because in about three chapters you won't be anymore!!!  I'm giving you guys one more chapter to get attached to Luke, because after that shit is gonna be going down!  Tom will show up more soon, I promise.  I just have to get things sorted out between Luke and Charlie.  A lot of drama is about to come up.  The next chapters are going to be: Instagram, Life, Life/Article, Life, Twitter, and they should be done by next Monday))

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