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After last period I said goodbye to the boys and made my way to my mums house. I left my car at her house so I had to walk.

"Mira!" I heard a familiar voice call from behind me. I turned around to see Taekwoon jogging towards me.

"You know we live the other way right." I told him pointing in the direction of our apartment complex.

"Oh. I was about to tell you the same thing." He replied scratching the back of his neck." Where are you going anyway??"

"Remember I'm staying with my parents for a while." I said scrunching my eyebrows together in a confused face. Does he not realise I'm trying to give him space.

"Oh uhm yeah but you could just come home." He spoke in an embarrassed voice.

"I'm trying to give you space you did kinda freak out yesterday." I informed him.

"O-okay well I guess I'll just go home and I'll see you tomorrow." He awkwardly turned around to walk home.

"Why do you want me be home?" I asked curiously.

"It's just nice to know that someone is there with me." He whispered under his breath.

"I'll be home tomorrow night okay?" I said to him comfortingly as I walked up and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Okay. Annyeong." He farewell then continued to walk back home.

*****at Mira's mums house

"Will dad join us?" I questioned my mother as I mixed the rice.

"I think so." My mum replied while she continues to set the table for dinner.

"Speak of the devil." I called when I saw my father answer.

"Hm. You were speaking of me?" My father asked as he hung his coat up and took off his shoes.

"Yes dear we were wondering if you would join us." Mum informed him as she went to kiss him and he turned his head and cheeked her. I watched as my mother sighed sadly after turning away and beginning to pour water. Wow my father really is neglecting her.

"Have you not moved out yet?" My father raised his eyebrow in annoyance. Has he not been home for the past month?!?.

"I moved out a month ago. Have you not realised?!" I shouted in anger.

"I come home late I didn't see you much before hand anyway." He scoffed.

"Bulls**t you're just a dead beat father and you neglect my mum!!" I yell in rage and frustration.

"Excuse you!" He shouts back.

"You f**king heard me you lowlife piece of s**t!!" I slam my hand down on the bench. I felt pain shoot up from my hand and wrist but kept a straight face and looked my father in the eye.

"Get out of my f**king house you piece of s**t mistake!!!" He spat.

"Do not speak to our daughter like that!!" My mother stepped into the argument.

"We will discuss this later." My father dismissed my mum then turned to me." Get your s**t and leave."

"Gladly." I glared at him and made my way upstairs to grab my stuff.

****driving home.

How could he f**king do that. He first ignores my amazing mother and then demands me to go home. I bet he's f**king that b**ch at the office. My blood is boiling I wanna rip his throat out.

****at apartment complex

I sigh to myself as I step into the elevator and press my floor. Just before the doors close a hand stops the door from closing.

"Hey." Hongbin smiles at me.

"Oh hey." I slightly smile at him.

"Are you okay? You seem off." Hongbin asks in a worried tone.

"Its just my father." I tell him and look at the ground.

"Wanna talk about it over ice cream?" He suggests with a bright smile showing his dimples. Naww.

"Sure." I smile at him. He then presses the first level button so that we can leave for ice cream.

A/N heeyyyy I'm back. Anyway you guys should comment some suggestions or DM me some suggestions. What did you think of Mira's father? Also if you have any ideas for chapters or you want to see something in specific tell me and I will try my best.

Living With Jung Taekwoon/ Vixx LeoWhere stories live. Discover now