Unknown creatures

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Chapter 10

Cidus' POV

I walked around the village, greeting my fellow villagers.

I turned a corner, and saw Mallory and her friends.

They all had at least one thing behind their backs.

" Hello everyone. " I greeted.

They all nodded a hello.

" Cidus, we have some things for you. " Mallory explained, walking forward.

" Oh? " I tilted my head.

They all held out an item.

Mallory with a diamond sword, Chimney with a diamond chest plate, Amber with diamond leggings,

Toby with diamond boots,

And Laura with a diamond helmet!

" Thank you. " I breathed in awe as I put all the armor on and took the sword.

I held the sword in my hands, gazing at it.

Villagers were beginning to gather around me.

" Cidus, we need to get going. My amulet has been tugging South all day. I think it's trying to lead us to a huge cave that we found earlier.

" Alright. " I answered.

They lead me to a cave with a huge entrance.

We cautiously stepped down into the cave with our swords out.


An hour later....

Chimney's POV

" Wow, your amulet is like... lifting of your chest! " I exclaimed while we walked through the cave and I stared at the necklace Mallory was wearing.

As I gazed, I didn't notice a wall of stone coming right up before me.

I ran straight into it, and the others laughed.

I rubbed my head and ran to them so I could keep up.

" Alright, my amulet is trying to verge to the right. Let's go. " Mallory lead as we turned the corner.

" Wait. " Amber commanded as she walked to the front and stretched her arm out so we couldn't pass.

" Listen. "

I listened hard, I could hear a swooshing noise.

I got out a torch and placed it.

4 humans with pitch black and feathery angel wings, red eyes, black hair with red tips, and malicious grins that all wore black outfits with skulls on the front emerged from the shadows.

One stepped up to Mallory.

" Hello beautiful. " he said softly.

Dan ran up to him and punched him straight in the noise.

He feel backward, and then after a second sat up and rubbed his now bloody nose, glaring at Dan.

Amber stormed up to the dark creature.

She slapped him hard across his cheek, which splattered blood from his nose on the ground.

The other three creatures just stared at the flirting one.

" You will never treat my friend like that AGAIN! YOU HEAR ME?!?! " Amber roared in the flirter's face.

Her face was red with anger.

The flirter scooted away and stood up by his friends.

Amber straight up jumped right at the flirter and performed a side kick to his face.

" Jeez, he was just showing some feelings. " another dark creature said.

" That's it, get them! " Amber screamed, she pointed her finger at all of the evil angel things.

We charged at them, swords out.

Mallory's POV

I was so furious, I pointed my sword out right at one of the creatures hearts.

Right before stabbed I stabbed him, his other friends and him made a clear force-field.

I suddenly felt a huge rush of power in me, like something was swarming through my body.

My amulet began to glow, and I pointed out my hands.

Lightning shot out of my fingertips, and the force-field vanished.

The Angels looked around shocked.

I shot out more lightning and they fell to the ground.

I did the same to the last one.

How crazy.




This was a short chapter....

Oh well!

Hope you enjoyed my emeralds!


Refuge ( a Minecraft Fanfic, DISCONTINUED )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora