Chapter 8

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I did as the doctors directions, I am now standing in front of Blake's door.

I had changed into the pajamas the hospital gave me they were actually kinda cute. And now I'm in front of the door indecisive whether or not I want to go in or walk away.

What if Brandon's in there? What if Kendall's in there? What if he's parents are in there? Will they even let me in?

All the sudden all I could hear where very loud screams "get out! Go away! I need time alone! I didn't ask you to be here! Get out! NOW!" a very deep voice said sounding almost in tears but very angry.

I quickly moved from the door and turned away when Kendall, Brandon, and Blake's parents stormed out of his room. I thought no one spotted me. But I was wrong. Brandon did.

"Hey baby." He said about to hug me. I quickly pushed him away and shouted "get off if me Brandon!" He did and then he just walked away. Just like that, kind of weird actually.

My wrist hurt from pushing him off me. It was in a pink cast, not a pretty pink either.

In a split second without thinking I walked into Blake's room. He had a cast looking think on his ankle and a wrap around his rib cage. He looked pretty banged up.

He was angry and facing the other way. He hadn't seen me yet. And I'm not sure if he wants to. I wait a minute and right as I'm about to turn and leave he turns around and stares right into my eyes.

"I-I, umm, I-I-I'm sorry. I should go." I quickly said stuttering my first few words.

He giggle a little at my stutter than smiled and stated "No sit. Who are you?"

So I did I sat in the chair next to his hospital bed.

"I'm Ellie. Or Ells as some people call me. Blake? right?"

"Ellie? Ellie Cooper?" He sounded surprised.

"Yea. Why?"

"We went to middle school together my annoying ass cousin always, umm, was a jerk to you. I'm sorry about that."

"Haha. As I remember it you were the one who was more of a 'jerk' to me."


"Yea. But that was almost 4 years ago. It doesn't matter anymore."

"No. It does matter I was a complete ass to you and I had no right to I should have stopped I was young and stupid and wanted to be cool. I never meant to hurt you. I'm so sorry Ellie" he said sounding very apologetic.

"There is nothing you can do or say to erase the past!"

"I know I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you I swear. Can you please accept my apology?"

"I guess."

"Can we start off fresh? friends? please?" he pleaded.

"Show me your not the same pig headed jerk you used to be and I'll think about it."

He smirked. "Deal."

I stood up to leave when he grabbed my good wrist and said "No, wait, stay. Please I have no one to talk to and we can get to know each other."

"What about your family?"

"They ain't coming back anytime soon. Please stay."

"Ok." I said releasing my wrist from his grip. This was gonna be fun. Or not.

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