part 2

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  He thinks about Jongin's request carefully. Kyungsoo were too shocked to hear his request and he didn't know how to react to that request. He is sure for 21 years he live in this world, he's a straight guy. He obviously likes the girl. Pretty girls are everywhere. Cute girls. And he's sure, never in his life he attractred to a boy. 'Not until Jongin come.'

   "So what did you answer him?"

   He's in Baekhyun's bedroom. He needs to tell somebody about this or else his head starting to explode. He told Baekhyun everything that happened that night. How he run away from Jongin without giving Jongin an answer. Baekhyun gave him a hard smack using the pillow on his head. "How do you do that?! At least give him an answer rather than running off like a fool!"

   "What do you expect me to answer? Give him a 'Yes'? 'Oh, I like you too', when I'm certain I don't like boys. I'm not a gay and I like girl!"

   "Then you should said so. Not ran away like a coward? You're my best friend, but this is excessively much! Do you against somebody who's gay? Do you hate them too? Are you going to call them fag too??!"

   "What? No! I don't hate them and I won't call them fag either. It's simply that I'm not interested in boys. Can you see that rather being mad like this? And why are you being emosional like this?!"

   "I'm gay Kyungsoo-yah! Can't you even see that?! All these years, I've been waiting for a good time to tell you, but you're likewise focused on your study. I even gave you a bunch of hints that I like boys before."

   "What?! Don't use that 'I love studying' as your feeble excuses! What do you mean by giving me hints? All these years, you never mention about you like boys. All I know is Kim Taeyeon, that SNSD's leader. How should I know that you're gay when you keep talking about Taeyeon 24/7 like a normal fanboy?!"

   "Well, Taeyeon is the only girl I love you know. Like how can I hate her? She's a perfect angel that comes from heaven and her voice is...I think I'll become straight if I find someone like her."

   "Yeah I know that pabo. And I only come back from hell, thank you. Look, do you understand what I'm saying right now. This is not what you call hint idiot!! And why are we talking about Taeyeon right now?! Agghhhh, you're not helping at all!!"

   "Yah! Why exactly are you mad at me again?! You're the brain among us. This is the time for you to use your brilliant brain carefully. This is not only about you and your damn pointer, but someone's heart as well. If you don't like a boy, tell him and refuse him. I know this only for a while until he bored but anything can be happen in that freaking months. You might fell in love for him for real too."

   "I won't!"

   "Ohho, do you want to make a bet. I'm sure you going to fell in love with him. Screw that, you already starting to like him now, am I right?"

   Now it's his turn to smack Baekhyun's head using the pillow. Although he's using the pillow, he make sure he choose the hard pillow and the frown on Baekhyun's face make him happy. He knew asking help from this Diva is useless. Suho! Right away he remembers his friend who's 2 years older than him.


   "I was shocked when you told me that you want to come over?? And to know you for a long time, I bet you've problem right now. Am I right?? Then tell me what..."

   A loud bang heard from upstairs and a boy running down the stair laughing so hard that he rolled on the floor, then followed a pretty boy who look pissed off afterwards on. A cute boy with chubby cheek appeared not long after that. "Hyung! Can y'all please don't cause too much noise?! I believed we already been warned by the landlady?! Yah! Kim Jongdae! What did you do this time???!"

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