where's the milk?

461 25 16

A/N: ok i had no idea how to steer this but tanks to @TehCookieCrew I had inspiration 


The milk.

Great. The only thing he needed was the milk, and it was not there, well not exactly, there was some milk but not the one he liked. Well whatever, might as well go back home and not eat cereal, maybe I'll eat something else.., he  thought. He turned around and started walking.

"Senior Zac!"

Zac turned around to see Akira carrying gallons of milk.

"Senior Zac!!! Are you looking for the milk?" Akira asked.


"Well, here! Take one! We just got them delivered and I work here so I had to pick them up  and then I saw you standing ther so I figured you wanted one!!"

"Oh, thank you." Zac said with a smile.

 "Well I have to put them away. Bye Senior Zac!!!" Akira said while he started puting them away.

Zac started walking towards the cashier.

Zac goes to the storeWhere stories live. Discover now