Pity Party: Prologue

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There was a bang. I jolt up in my bed, eyes snapping open as another bang resounds through the air. I glance around my dark room and to the door where the hallway is revealed. I never liked sleeping with the door closed; it made things dark and scarier, and my Ariel nightlight didn’t help.

My small feet meet my purple carpet as I crawl out of the twin-sized bed with Disney Princesses littering the comforter. My shuffling footsteps are masked by a third loud, ear-splitting bang. I jump slightly but determined, I continue out my room and down the steps.

As I descend the steps, I catch a glimpse of the light illuminating our red kitchen. I know mommy and daddy are in there, maybe even my older sister Anna. She got to stay up later than me because she was 11 whereas I am 7. I hear heavy footsteps in the kitchen and I freeze. Those weren’t the comforting footsteps of my father that I knew.

Cautiously I peek into the kitchen. Maybe daddy had friends over and forgot to tell me. But as soon as I see the large man dressed in black, I knew he wasn’t a friend. He’s over 6 feet tall and his face is covered by a black ski mask. I can see him shuffling through the kitchen, his brow furrowed as he searches through the drawers. My eyes widen as he steps over something covered in red. I catch the salt and pepper hair stained with red.

It’s my dad.

A tear slips down my face as I run away. Instantly I know the man hear my quick retreat because his head snaps up and turns to me. I run to my room and slam the door, as if that’ll keep him away. I grab the phone on my bedside table and dial the three numbers that teachers and my parents had stressed over.

I hear the footsteps as the phone rings in my hand. On the second ring, someone picks up.

“911, what’s your emergency?” a voice asks into the receiver. I try my best to speak through my unashamed sobbing. Even at the young age of 7, I knew enough to know what happened.

“My daddy—there’s a man in my house and he—“I hiccup as I break down in sobs again.

“Ma’am what’s wrong? Where do you live, stay on the phone” the voice of a woman comforts me.  I’m about to answer her questions when the door bursts open. The phone slips from my hand as I catch the man in black. Cold black eyes look into mine and I gasp.

“There you are” a hard voice comments as he steps forth. His boots meet the carpet as he moves toward the bed. I look down to his hand and notice a strange weapon, my eyes widening. After watching enough cop shows with my dad, I knew what a gun looked like.

“I want my mommy” I say through my tears as he sits at the edge of my bed.

“Well sweetie, she’s gone. She’s never coming back” he says, a hard edge to his voice. He picks up the phone that fell onto the comforter and hangs up. He moves a gloved hand to my face, wiping away the tears as they pour down my face.

“Wh-who are you?” I stutter, shaking madly as his hands cup my cheek.

“Now that doesn’t matter. You were a naughty girl to call the cops, I’m going to have to punish you” he says darkly. He pushes me down on the bed and I scream.

I wake up with a start, a harsh scream tearing through my throat as tears stream down my eyes. 


New story! I decided I'm going to discontinue HEA and NGFL, maybe even rewrite them when I get inspiration. But until then, I'm starting this story! There'll be at least a chapter a week, probably 2 or 3. Prank War is still my main goal although I have a writing block for that right now.

Also be on the lookout for Letters to Aphrodite! Me and my good friend AllHeart26 are co-writing the story on my account and it'll be up soon! 

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