Pity Party: Chapter 2

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Turns out that even though the school is smaller than most of the schools I've attended, it was still nearly impossible to find my classroom. I glance up from my schedule to see I've ended up right next to the main office again. I growl in frustration, clenching my first. Not a good way to start my new school.

"Are you lost?" A voice comments from behind me and I jump, twisting around to face the cause of the voice.

To my surprise, the person behind me is a petite girl with long, dirty blonde hair and forest green eyes which are looking at me expectantly. I blink before straightening myself out, coughing slightly as I recover from the fright.

"No" I lie easily, not wanting to have to talk to this girl. Just the way she's bouncing on the balls of her feet tells me that she's obviously very bubbly and happy, something I did not want to associate myself with.

"Really? Because you look lost and seeing as I've never seen you before and I know everyone here, I'd say you're a new students and the new students here tend to get lost" she rushes in one sentence. 

I open and close my mouth for a moment before I harden my gaze once more and start walking, pushing past the girl. "Yeah, I'm new. But I know where I'm going" I say dismissively as I move past her. The light footsteps echoing behind me proves that she wouldn't take it.

"Hey, I'm not gonna kill you. I'm Leah Anderson by the way" she continues with urgency. I roll my eyes.

"And I'm finding my classroom" I mutter in sarcasm.

Leah giggles "You're funny, I think I'm gonna like you" she continues and I mentally facepalm. Why couldn't she just leave me alone.

"Great, well you can like me later because I have to get to class" I say, hoping to shake her off again.

"What class, maybe we have class together? Oooh that'd be awesome!" she says excitedly and I can hear her clapping her hands.

Clenching my fists, I turn around to face the girl. She stops in her tracks directly in front of me. Even though I'm only 5'7'' I still tower slightly over the girl. "Look, I appreciate the help and all, Leah, but I can find my own way" I snap.

Leah blinks up at me, shocked, before she smiles brightly again. "I know you already don't like me but can I at least show you your class, then i won't annoy you anymore" she promises, holding up her right hand as if taking an oath.

I pinch the bridge of my nose before giving in "Sure" I say in defeat. She squeals in delight, bouncing up and down. 

"Yay! Here can i have your schedule then to see what class you have?" she asks and I comply, wanting to just go to class and leave this overhyper blonde behind. 

"Ooh we have the same Homebase. Oh and Math, and English. Oh my God, you're taking Home Ec, me too!" she says in a bright voice as she starts walking in the direction I can presume is homebase. I groan internally, not looking forward to that many classes with the girl.

"So we have half of our classes together, oh and Lunch! I can be like your chaffeur or something for the day, wouldn't that be exciting?" she muses and I sigh.

"Extremely" i mutter grumpily.

It turns out Leah walks faster than she talks as I have to basically jog to catch up to her, where she's already holding open a door for me. Nodding my head in gratitude, I slink into the classroom.

Immediately twenty pairs of eyes snap to mine, including the grumpy gaze of the teacher.

"You're late, Anderson" the teacher says to Leah who's bouncing by my side.

"Yeah, I know, sorry Mrs. Liebowitz. I had to help Monica, she's new!" Leah says happily and I bow my head as the mutters start as the kids notice me.

"Okay great, you guys can take a seat" the teacher, Mrs. Liebowitz, says grouchily. Leah grabs my arm excitedly and pulls me to the back of the classroom where two empty desks sit next to each other. A few people smile at me and Leah but are quickly shaken off by my moody look.

"So homebase is ten minutes and then you have your next class, which we have together. There are 104-- 105 now--- kids in our grade and 379 students total here. Each class is about 43 minutes and school ends at 2:59" Leah explains. How she manages to know everything about this school is beyond me.

Leah continues talking about useless facts to which I zone out to, gazing at the clock and willing Homebase to end. Two minutes before my wish comes true, the door bursts open.

My gaze snaps to the door along with all the other people in the room. Strolling in is a boy with messy blonde hair and pale blue eyes. A lazy smirk is plastered on his face, which widens as a few girls smile flirtatiously at him, batting their eyelashes.

"Care to explain why you're late, Mr. Michaels?" Mrs. Liebowitz says grumpily.

"I actually do care" he says teasingly, that same boyish smirk tugging at his lips.

I turn to Leah questioningly who smiles at me knowingly. "That's Hunter Michaels. He's the biggest playboy known to man and serially womanizer. If I were you, I wouldn't go near him" she cautions. I glance over at Hunter in wonder.

His pale blue eyes meet my dull dark brown ones and his smirk widens once more. A few heads turn to me as they catch his look. I look away quickly, but the image of those blue eyes are etched in my mind. Just the way they held no light, no look of wonder made my head spin.

And then I realized: he was just like me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2014 ⏰

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