chapter 6 - deadly puddle

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We were at our first show - so we were both on our best behaviour. Right?


Ciara decided that since it was spring (and spring equals sugary grass which equals an excuse to get hyper as far as she's concerned) and she was in season, she was going to jump every jump at least twice its height. Obviously, because that's what every  sane horse does. Right?

Again, wrong.

Anyway, as we went in for our round (thank goodness it was only a practise day) she was being an angel. A bit spooked by the mirror perhaps, but an angel overall. Clear round so far, being perfect. Then we came to the first jump. That was ..alright, I guess, if you count jumping three times its height alright, but at least we didn't knock it. Second jump was pretty much the same - then 3 was a double - which Ciara pretended not to notice, and took advantage of the loose reins to swerve after 3a, so we circled before taking 3b. Four was the same as the rest, but then we got to five. Oh boy, five was a shocker. A plain green and red oxer, with no fillers or anything - but there was one terrifying thing. A puddle in front of it, caused by those dreaded sprinklers. How dare they? And puddles are normally scary enough, but this one had sharks. Deadly sharks. So, we cantered up to it, fine, then at the last moment, she stopped. Going through the puddle was too much. So we circled and attempted it again. The puddle was growing bigger by the minute. 3 attempts later, with the back pole down so it was simply a cross bar, she pulled herself together, cantered up, and leapt over the puddle, the pole, and the stride after the pole. So, I went flying out of the saddle and onto her neck. Pathetic, I know. Ciara was only doing what she really had to do - and she was saving me from the sharks! The least I could do was stay on, but no, that was too much to ask for.

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