prologue: one year ago

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I sit down in the car as it passes by all the trees in the courthouse lawn. Prom was tonight. I went with my friends Monica Thompson and Fara Prescott, and their dates Chandler Moyes and Christopher Robinette. We clown and laugh, things such and such. I didn't come with a date. We are being driven by Monica's parents, Richmond and Donna Thompson.

We turn onto Hollow's Lane, my street, and we all say our goodbyes.

"Bye Rocky, we'll see you at school!" Fara yelled as I got out the car. Monica follows me out of the SUV. "I'll call you tonight. Don't wait up if I don't" she says, shooting a flirty look at Chandler. "Uh, no" Richmond says to Monica, turned sideways in his seat. I laugh. "Okay Mon, call me tomorrow then." She gets back in the car, shuts the door and a little piece of her green dress is sticking out the door. I giggle again. I reach into my purse and start up the driveway. My mom, Mareena should be inside. My brother Tyrese went to stay with his friend Mitch. I find my house keys and start at the door. Before I walk in, I see a hooded figure in the neighbor's lawn, watching me. I stare, and he stares back. He then turns around and gets into a van. I walk into the house and peek out of the window curtain. He drives off fast. I turn around and walk into the dark living room. The room is cold and damp. I breathe in really deep. "Mom?" I call out. No answer. I peek upstairs, no lights on. I turn on the lamp, so that I could see my way through the living room. I find the light to the chandelier. I switch it on, and peek out the window. My mom's car isn't out there. She must have went to the store. I walk upstairs, and walk down the dark hallway. I turn on my bedroom light and start undressing. I open up my dresser drawers and pull out a t-shirt, underwear, and my soccer shorts. I pull my phone out of my purse to see if my mom has called. Nothing. I do see a message from Monica. I open it and see and it says, We are going to the indoor water park tomorrow afternoon, see you there!. I throw the phone down and walk to the bathroom. I stop at a closet and grab a dry towel, and a wash rag. I undress, look at the mirror. I worry about my mother. I love her so much. I have almost all of her features. I have her light brown skin, her short curly brown hair, her dark brown eyes. I hope she's okay. You see, my mom's a lawyer. She is also a co-sponsor for African American Women's Rights Association. She's been one since I was five years of age. I always toured with her. My mother is french, canadian, cherokee indian, and 1/32 irish. My father, who died when I was two due to a heart attack, was african american only. I jump in the shower, hoping when I get out she'd be home. After about fifteen minutes, I jump out. After I'm dressed, I walk into my room and sit on my bed, looking out the window. I then remembered: I left the alarm unset. I get up, and something shiny catches my eye out of the window in my backyard. I push the curtain back. I see my mom's car. I see her windshield's busted, and my brother's metal baseball bat lies on the hood of the car. I start panicking, shaking. I then remember the person in the hooded cloak. I freeze. Nothing. The house phone rings and I jump. I turn on the hallway light and walk to the nightstand in the hallway. The little red light on top of the phone blinks. Monica I think. I run and answer the phone. "Hello?" I say. Only breathing on the other line. "Hello?" I say more sternly. Nothing again. I get impatient. "Damn it I said hello!" I yell. "Rocky" a stern, eerily deep voice says, "forget to set the alarm?". I hang up and run as fast as I can downstairs. I start tearing up. I want my mother. I set the alarm and go back upstairs. I am about to go to my room to call Monica, when I remember seeing mom's car. I run to her room and try the knob but it is locked. I knock. "Mom!" I yell. I wait. Nothing. I bang on the door "Mom, please wake up and open the door!". I wait again. Another dead silence. I kick and kick the door until the lock breaks. It's dark in her room. I walk inside, and I smell her perfume. A LOT of her perfume. I rub against the wall all try to find the light. I try the switch and it doesn't work. I walk around the bed, which is super cold. I reach her nightstand and turn on the china lamp. Then I see her, lying on the bed, with a knife in her stomach. Something builds up inside of me. Something beyond the word scared or fearful. I scream so loud, I think Canada can hear me. I scream at the sight of her body. She is literally open. My eyes well up with tears, hot tears. As I gaze at her, she has her nightgown on. Her insides, were partially on the outside. I noticed blood on the wall from the knife slashings on her neck, along with handprints too.

My name is Rockelle Marie Green. About one year ago, my mother was butchered. She died in vain. Now, I have shut down, lost all contact with my friends, family, and everything else. I even lost my friendship with Monica and Fara. People started rumors at school, saying that I was delusional, crazy, from the tragedy I went through. Slowly I faded away, my conscience became.... Imprisoned.  

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