Chapter 2-Lovely Night.

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Kaitlin and I would always head out to the varsity games every Friday night and would hangout with some of her friends cause I had none. One Friday I was talking to Kaitlin and I saw Austin. I asked him where Alex was. As it turns out he had been grounded cause of his math grade. Kaitlin pulled me aside and asked me who I was talking to and how I know him. I just said that his name was Austin and he was my friend. I didn't feel like going in depth about how I knew him. She told me that she likes him and that she thinks he's really cute. So I introduced her to him. Turns out the feelings were mutual.

 For the rest of the night he had his arm around her waist. And I was wearing her jacket cause he offered her his jacket. they looked so cute together. I was so happy that I could actually be cupid and get a couple together. The only problem was...where the fuck was my boyfriend! I can hook up couples but I can never meet a guy for myself. Do I just have really high standards and need to lower the bar? Or is the world full of dumb asses that aren't worth my time? Does my prince charming go to another school? Or is he here at SCHS?

Kaitlin went home with me and spent the night. But she made sure that before she left she would kiss him on the cheek and thank him for the lovely night. Okay, I was really jealous of her. She was no longer a single pringle that likes mingle like me. She was now taken bacon that cant be shaken.

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