Chapter 3-The Boy in Uniform

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So at my school there is a class call JROTC. Its for those who are thinking of going it to the military. All of the people in it have to wear a uniform. And I'll admit, some of them look pretty damn hot in the uniform.

Well Austin is a JROTC cadet. So he know a lot of the guys that are in it. My new favorite place to go hang out in the mornings is with Kaitlin and Austin and Austin's JROTC friends. it was so funny how they would all tower over me and I would just stand there having to tilt my head all the way back just to talk to them.

There was this one though. He was really cute and pretty tall. He had a great smile and he always would say something funny that would make me die of laughter every morning. It was killing me that I didn't know his name. All I knew his as was Webber. But that wasn't even his name. It was his last name. The only reason I knew that was because it was on his name tag on his uniform.

I kinda gave up on him though cause Kaitlin was telling me how he had a crush on her. I didn't want to steal hi from her. I have more respect that that. Its also part of the girl code and code of dibs.

Then on the next Thursday, about a week after the game that I had gotten Kaitlin and Austin together, Austin came up to me with a big smile on his face. I knew this face too well. He was up to no good or had some good news for me. What good news could he possibly have for me?

"Webber likes you!" He said really fast.

"Wait, what?!?!"

"Yea, I was talking to him about it this morning. Didn't you see me pull him aside and keep talking and looking back at you?"

I did see them act weird that morning.  I just never put two and two together.

"I got your number form Kaitlin and gave it to him."

"Thanks! Your awesome!"

"I know" He said as he started to walk away to go to his truck

"Wait! What is his name, his first name?"

"Jacob." He said with a smile.

Jacob. Now I have a name for the face.

I went to Cheer practice after talking to Austin. We were all stunting and practicing our cheers before going to our game later that night. I was so tired after having to lift my flyer. Some of the girls and I went out into the hall to go get a drink of water and didn't realize that the Raiders were having practice. I went to go turn the corner and a big, sweaty guy ran past me and rubbed up against me in the process. But he turned around and made eye contact with me. It was him. It was Jacob.

I suddenly wasn't thirsty. I was embarrassed. I nearly got my ass ran over cause I was being my normal ditzy self and didn't pay attention to what was going on around me.

 I went to the game that night then caught a flight right after it ended to Disney World for our family vacation. The next day I was standing on a crowded bus and I felt a vibration and heard a chiming noise coming from my pocket. I click the button on my phone and see a random number texted me. That's funny, I never seen that number before. Its obviously from the area where I live. So when I opened up the text message I was taken by surprise. It was Jacob.

hey its Webber, Austin Britt's friend.

Oh. My. God.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2014 ⏰

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