Chapter 1 : the meeting

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Hana's POV:

" I had practiced saying it a hundred times, but when the moment came, I just couldn't open my mouth!" For some inexplicable reason, I was tongue-tied. I looked longingly at him as I saw him walking away with his friends into the shopping centre. I had been admiring him for years now, but had never worked up the courage to approach and talk to him. I had stood before the mirror the night before and rehearsed saying

"Hi I'm Hana, Hana Yasfa Abdullah" at least a hundred times. I was just to shy.

I had waited for him, Darryl Nick for an hour, because I knew that he would be there at about that time for his guitar lessons. I had goofed again- that was at least tenth times. Forlornly, I walked to the bus stop and took the bus home.

On the way, I thought again of my plight. I knew that I was beautiful wearing my black cotton Hijab 'shawl' on that he was not unfriendly sort who would snub my offer of friendship. Yet my years in all-girls school had made me absolutely tongue-tied. It's just that I was very shy when it comes to talk with these beautiful creature. At first, I did not care, as I had not met any guy I cared to make friends with. But then, I saw Darryl Nick, I just had to meet him. I had to work my courage up. But how?

Not knowing what to do, I called Lily Sofia, one of my Friend, she was the girl I knew who had absolutely no difficulty with guys. In fact she was expert about this. She could approach any guy and talk to him casually. I told her my problems and asked for advised, She told me to leave it to her. She would befriend with him and introduce him to me, since Darryl Nick Is her classmate in college. I was not all happy, since I knew her reputation. But did I have a choice?

I told lily as much as I could about him and gave her a graphic description. Lily told me to meet him at the shopping centre the following Saturday afternoon. She promised to disappear as soon as I appeared at the scene. I thought that was a good idea, I was sure I could handle the situation after an introduction.

At the appointed hour that Saturday, I took a vantage point and waited at the shopping centre. I could see lily, as I watched, I saw Darryl approach. As usual he walked briskly towards Lily, my heart beat faster as  expected. I waited with expectation. Lily looked at him and just about to walk towards him when I saw he stop.  He started to looked around as though searching for someone. Finally, he met my eyes, he came towards me walking briskly, he wore white puma tank top also black jeans. His pulled blonde hair that makes him more good looking and his blue Pearl eye that makes me attracted. I looked for a place to run and hoped that perhaps the earth might open and swallowed me up, it didn't.

Then he walked up to me with his charm and said

"Hi, I'm Darryl Nick" I swallowed and gave him a smile showing my white teeth, he lend his left hands as about to shake with mine, instead I just giving him a smile.

"Hi, I'm Hana, Hana Yasfa Abdullah" I said.

"I know" he replied, I looked at him as he smirked.

"You're beautiful, your dark thick brows and your hazelnut eyes coloured are attractive" he complimented

"Thanks" I said, looking away from him.

"Sadly, you're not my type" he titled his head, raising up his blonde brows and sarcastically lifted his hands up in the air.

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