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A/n: HEY! So I completely forgot about my wattpad account but I've been in a Harry mood and cant stop reading fanfics and I logged into this account and was like oh shit! Im not as much into 5sos now tbh but imma still write this a bit for you guys! Also I'm thinking of writing a Harry fanfic (:

Chpter song: High enough - K. Flay

Lydia's pov

I awake to my phone blaring my alarm for the morning classes. I dismiss the alarm and roll back over not wanting to enter the day. After 15 minutes I slowly get out of bed and do my morning routine, taking a shower and doing slight makeup. I finish filling in my eyebrows and flicked some mascara on, I walk over to my small closet and pulled out black leggings and an over sized hoodie. I look at my clock and realized I had 12 minutes to get to class. A deep sense of anxiety running through my body, call me a goody goody but I've never been late to class. Infact I've always been atleast 10 minutes early. I quickly throw on a pair of gray flip flop and grab my back pack and keys. I run out the door and hop in my light blue 2008 prius, which even though many may hate, as a junior in college, it's amazing on gas! Smiling to myself as I think about my love for this car, I roll out of my parking spot and speed to FSU. I park and run into the building, expecting it to be jam packed, only to find an empty building. I pulled my phone out and saw the real time, 7:23. I face palm from my own stupidity when I see the time. My class doesnt start till 8:25, giving me a couple minutes over an hour till I have class. I slowly walk back to my car and sit in it, what the hell am I supposed to do for an hour? Just then my stomach growls and answers that question for me. Deciding starbucks was good enough, I buckle my seat belt and drive off.


Class is finally over and I pack my books back into my bag. I walk out of the building and into my beloved car, my phone suddenly buzzes and a slight hope that it's Luke courses through me. Its been about 2 weeks since I've talked to him, and it was a short conversation. I pull my phone out to see it was a text from Michael.

Mikey dikey: Aye yo bitch cum thru

Me: Learn how to spell and some proper fucking grammar then maybe.. dick.

Mikey dikey: there you go again getting all smarty pants on me. Butttt no, we finally have tonight off together and were going to get lit as hell.

Me: fine wte I'm going home to change and then I'll stop by.

I drive off the campus and head towards my small apartment I call home. I pull into my parking spot and slowly walk up the stairs to my door. Throwing my bag on the couch as I walk to my closet, pulling a pair of dark red running shorts and a fitted black tank top out. I throw my already used clothes into the hampers and slide my flip flops back on and walk back out to my car.


I walk into Michael house to hear him screaming at what ever game of the day he's playing. I walk into the kitchen and open his fridge grabbing the half empty bottle of peppermint vodka out of his freezer. Opening it and taking a swig, slightly gagging at the ice cold drink. I walk into Michael's room and plop on his bed, still sipping the bottle.

"Hey Ly- wait when the fuck did you get here and why did you start drinking with out me?" Michael says pouting. I roll my eyes and pass him the bottle, making his pout turn into a smile.

"I just got here butthead. Anyways, put some music on and pass me the rolling tray." Michael rolls his eyes but obeys anyways, first passing me the rolling tray and then scrolling through his phone. I start splitting the rello and gutting it when the tunes of Dreamers by K. Flay starts. The slight buzz of the vodka slowly hitting me while I lick and seal the blunt, pulling a lighter out drying it and then lighting it. I deeply inhale the blunt and then do dramatic ghost. Smiling to myself for successfully completing the trick. Trading the blunt for the bottle with Michael, I decide to take a big gulp and nearly puke from the disgusting taste, but I manage to get over it quickly.

"So how has your day been bud?" I slightly slur my words and look at my purple haired friend and frowns from the question.

"Well it started good, until that bitch Alyssa texted me saying we're breaking up." I look at him with sympathy until I see him shrugging and smiling saying, "I was mad till I remembered I fucked her best friend and sister last week!" We both crack up laughing, the world suddenly turning to a blur as I stop laughing. I hear the breeze of the wind that isn't there and I decide that I'm officially drunk. Taking a few more his, relaxing more into the couch, propping my feet up on michaels lap. I pull my phone out in a drunken state and go to my messages. Clicking on Luke's contact name and I stare at the screen debating if I should text him. I make my decision and slowly text out a text, rereading it 20 times just to make sure I didn't make any errors.

Me: Heyy, haven't heard from from your cuteself in a while (;

I press send and smiling in a drunk state, damn I'm smooth. I turn to Michael, and poke his face with my bug toe. He went to bite it until he realized it was my toe and cringed back in disgust.

"EW YOU BITCH! Eh fuck it, put that juicy toe in my mouth." This time me cringing and retracting my "juicy toe". 

"Mikey that's disgusting!" I say, even though I cant stop laughing. My laughter dies down when I feel my phone buzz, looking down and seeing Luke's name.

Luke: "Haha hey beautiful (; what are you up to?"

I smile at his text, and remember how sexy he was, and that god damn lip ring. I subconsciously bite my lip thinking of his. Quickly typing a response, the flow of alcohol in my blood feeling like confidence.

Me: "Nothing really, just drinking, smoking, thinking about you"

Adding the winky tongue face at the end and pressing send. I get a response faster this time, almost immediately actually.

Luke: "Oh really? What about me?"

A pulse of horny hits my lower stomach and I bite my lip thinking of what to type next.

Me: "Hmm, just that lip ring of yours and how amazing it must feel down there."

I press send and sit there absentmindedly sipping for alcohol. I get up and go to the bathroom, my bladder nearly bursting. I flush the toilet and wash my hands, looking at myself in the mirror. My black wavey hair slightly a mess, my mascara already smudge. My phone suddenly rings and my heart stops when I see the caller ID. I quickly answer the phone and take a deep breath preparing my self to talk.

"Hey Luke!"

"Hello babygirl." He nearly growls those words, causing a punch of warmth in my gut. His next words nearly causing me to choke on my spit.

"Now listen closely baby, I'm going to tell you what to do, and you're going to do it."

A blush creeps on my face and I can't help but bite my lip while smiling.


"Good, now, what color panties are you wearing?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2017 ⏰

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