Chapter Three

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I yawn, aching from how I slept on the bumpy cement. My companion how ever seemed fine. something brushes up against my leg, causing me to look down at the scruffy mutt weaving around my legs. His mouth hangs open, a slobbering tongue hanging loosely and spilling drool on the sidewalk. I smile, not remotely annoyed that He has been following me all morning. The two of us continue to walk the streets with no location in mind just the need to survive keeping us both energized.

A sudden bark startles me, propting my eyes to follow the dog that rushes around the corner. "hey!" I yell after him. Running behind him I begin to realize that I do not recognize this street.

It grew darker, even with the sun blazing behind me, shadows swallowing the way I came. I slow down as my skin chills. Another bark comes from the mutt who stands looking back at me. "come here." I whisper, somehow afraid of what lies down the street. The dog simply stares at me. I roll my eyes and pat the side of my leg, taking a few steps back hoping he would follow. I stop on instinct as a low hissing comes from behind me. My eyes flick to the corner not seeing anything behind me. There are no cars, no people, the only thing is corruption seeping into the cracks below me.

I look back at the dog, concentrated on his eyes even when a car zips behind me, the reflection of the glass sending a light toward the dog. I hold my breath immediately as his eyes are swiped by the light, turning into a blaring red.

I sigh, unfortunately aware of what I fell into. "Damn." I mutter under my breath. with no other option I push myself to walk toward the dog.

The deeper I went the more the sun disapeared leaving me alone with the slithering darkness being carried by my shadow. I glance up, terrified by the fading light and the amused, hidden creature behind me. The walk continues for stretched minutes, every one of them cooking anxiety with in me. enough was enough.

"Hey mutt!" I yell.

The dog stops.

"bring him to me. I'm done with your games."

A raspy chuckle chimes between the darkness, signalling the dog to disappear from sight. a gust of wind skids arcoss my skin moments later putting a smirk on my face.

"Dont shoot the collector." a jesting voice laughs from behind me. I turn to face the cocky, smug man dressed in pinstriped suit, ginger hair peppering dandruff on his shoulders.

"I thought you would never find me." I sigh.

"Trust me, it wasnt easy, your a hard girl to find."

He begins to circle, eying me hungerly, "something is different about you."

My eyes glance to the darkness and back at the man.

"Oh I know! you gained weight!" he points his finger in my face.

My brow raises as I push his hand away reaching my threshhold of annoyance.

He looks away, "kidding! But seriously I'm glad i found you. something has happened to-"

Before he finishes I jolt to the side, raming into the darkness. Pain buzzes in my head and when I open my eyes he stands infront of me, "tsk tsk tsk, oh Ried you still havent learned." he nodes at the darkness. Something around my wrists and ankles tightens, boiling my veins, digging and pulling a scream out from my throat, "AHHH!"

With a flick I am thrown away, smashing my head against the ground. I get up weakly and look down at my hands to the binds of red flesh burning like cuffs. "Dont forget," the man kneels next to me. "what I did to you."

Enraged, I push saliva to the back of my teeth and send spit across his skin.

he scoffs, "heh." grabing my hair tightly he pulls me close to his face. "and dont forget who I am!"

"what.. do you want. from me? haven't I given you enough." I breath in pain.

"All that I did was what you wanted. Right now, I need a favor."


"It isn't safe here. Meet me at the water front tonight, or i'll make you regret it." He lets me go and walks next to the darkness.

I gather my voice to scream his name, "Borem!"

He turns to me with a glare, getting impatient.


An enourmous screech stops me and compels me to cup my ears. Borem and the darkness that trapped me  both incinerate into black crows peeling away the strips of shadows. My eyes water from the harsh wind the crows create. through the tears all I see is blackness opening up like blinds to reveal crashing waves.The crows move on, disapearing behind clouds and trees, leaving me alone outside of the city.

I am by the ocean, sinking into the sand and plumited in heat. automatically I start to rub my wrists, the fleashy binds still burning and turning into a rotting green coat. I sigh and allow the tears to fall across my cheeks, "How could I forget what you did to me."

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