Part One. The Hunter.

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A young man was sharpening his hunting knife in the woods at midnight on Hallows Eve, he was getting ready to get his next kill. A lovely little coyote that had strayed too far from it's pack, the man had been following it all day and now was his time to go in for the kill. He stood up and was about to put an arrow into his bow when he heard a strange rattling in the shadows. Relaxing the arrow and bow he looked at the shadows to the right of him where the sound was coming from. The sound stopped and then started again behind him, closer this time.

The man furrowed and put his arrow in again. His target was in sight and he released it, smirking as the arrow flew towards his prize. The smirk was wiped from his face when he saw the arrow get knocked off course by a fast dirty white thing, the arrow came hurtling towards him instead. Eyes widening he hit the ground hard, the arrow just barely missed the top of his head and it embedded itself into the tree behind him. Breathing heavily he stood back up and looked around. He heard the rattling again and this time it was as if it came from right behind him, slowly he turned around and screamed.

The skeleton of a young girl stood infront of him with his hunting knife in it's boney hand. Her torn light blue fluffy dress hung loosely on her bones, a blue yarn wig in pig tails tied with pink ribbons sat upon it's skull, it had lacy white socks paired with black ballet flats on it's feet. Her boney jaw smiled at the man, the skeleton's hallow black eyes were the last thing the hunter saw as he was beheaded by the skeleton with his own hunting knife, red blood dripped from the knife as the skeleton watched the man's head roll across the wooded floor.

The skeleton quickly cut up his body and the pieces sunk into the ground. The skeleton slowly smiled creeply and then skipped away into the shadows still holding the bloody knife. The young coyote slowly walked over to the head of the hunter, the man's horrified and screaming expression still etched upon his face as the coyote picked the head up by it's hair and carried it over to a stream of water, the coyote threw it into the water and watched as it sank to the bottom.

All that could be heard in the woods that night was the faint rattling of a skeleton off in the distance, the young coyote leaned back on it's hind legs and howled into the night. He heard howls far off from the rest of his pack, he howled one last time and glazed at the full moon through the canopy of the trees before he ran in the direction of the pack.

The end.

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