Chapter 3:The Visit

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You had made up your mind.Sam had told you where Dean and him were staying.You were headed to the little motel and you couldn't help but think 'Why did Dean cancel his phone number?' It wasn't like him.It was like Sam to do that kind of thing.You can't help but worry that something was wrong and Sam wasn't telling you.If he knew something you didn' were going to slap the ever living crap out if him.Sure you loved him like a brother,but that's what brothers and sisters do right?As soon as you think that,you pull up and try to gather your thoughts.As soon as you get out of he car,someone bumps into you."Hey watch i-...Oh my god..."

(A/N:Ohhhhhh snap!Sorry these are short.But I really like making you guys wait. 😈 Who do you think she saw?Leave your thoughts in the comments.Stay beautiful,Beautifuls...I'm so lame... ~🐍 )

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