12. Unleashed

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Alaska's POV:

"Nani?" I asked again. She was here -in front of me- yet my mind could not register what this meant. My breathing became irregular and quickened. "Nani what are you doing here?"

"Alaska, my dear," she smiled, tiredly. She reached out her hand and stroked my face. A tear had fallen as I pulled her in for a hug. My Nani is here! "Oh Alaska, how you have grown into such a beautiful woman!"

"Nani what are you doing here with," I paused and had looked over my shoulder to see a very bored Alpha Parker. "With him?"

"Alaska," she smiled, apologetically. I just smiled and waited for her next response, but it never came. She just looked in my eyes -I'm guessing- trying to find words to say. Then it hit me harder than a brick wall.

Nani is the witch helping take down my pack.


Liz's POV:

"Leo," I hissed trying not to get the attention of the other guards. "Leo!"

"What?" He asked, annoyed.

"Why?" I asked, cocking my eyebrow.

"Oh for Christ's sake Liz," he sighed running his hand over his face. "Because he is the Alpha. We can't go against him."

"Yes we can," I hissed, grabbing the bars on my cell door. "We can overthrow him and put someone else as our Alpha, probably Andre. But maybe even you."

"It won't work Liz," he hissed back. "This is why you are in here in the first place!"

"No that's not why I'm in here," I said shaking my head. "Im in here because my mate is an omega and my father couldn't stand that me -an Alphas daughter- has an omega for a mate. But I love him."

"Liz," he sighed. He wrapped his hand around mine and leaned his head against the bar. "Why are you so sure we can win? He has a witch with him and -from what I can tell -she's the most ruthless witch around."

"We can still try," I pleaded. Then I whispered, "Alpha Riverwalk is coming."

"Liz what have you got yourself into," he sighed. "When?"

"Are you going to join?" I asked.

"Liz tell me when." He said, his jaw tightening.

"No," I said pulling away. "This is our only escape Leo. If you're too stupid to realize that then I'm sorry but I'm not going to tell you."

"Why not Liz?" He growled.

"Because you have your loyalties wrong." I stated truthfully. "He's going to kill your future Alpha and you're still protecting him. Why?"

"Because," he sighed. "He's got my father."

"What?" I asked. How many people does my father have a hold on?

"That's why I can't Liz. I can't, not that I don't want to."

"Please," I started again. "Leo we need you. He can save your father."

"How do you know they are strong enough to take that witch down?" He asked, doubt written on his face.

"We have someone on the inside," I smiled as his face lit up.


Alyssa's POV:

"Anna dear please grab young Mikey please, he's going to hurt himself." I sigh looking around. "By the way have you seen Alaska?"

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