Chapter 7: Up For A Challenge

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After that amazing event in the hallway I got up and went back into Julian's room. He's getting dressed and wow he looks fantastic. He's wearing a black leather jacket, a groovy t-shirt, and faded blue jeans that are ripped in some places paired with a pair of black boots.

While he's buttoning his jeans he looks to the side at me, "So what would you like to do today Ron?"

Hm. That is a good question... what would I like to do today? "Swing me by my apartment to get dressed? Then we can go grab a bite at this local pizza joint and maybe go to a movie or something?"

He walks towards me, "Sounds perfect baby." And quickly kisses the side of my head as he walks out. I grab my clothes and head out the door. I don't really feel like putting on that dress again, plus... I really like wearing his shirt. It makes me feel like I'm his.

I walk in the living room and see Rachel and Tiffany, "Hey lovelies I think me and Jules are gonna go out to eat and stuff. We might catch a movie, wanna join?"

"Nah girl we're good here," Rachel gives me a wink and Tiff gives me a quick thumbs up and a smile. Love them man.

We head out the door and walk towards my car, Julian wraps his arm around my waist. We get in my car and I put on Nirvana. "You're music taste is so damn good Ronnie." I smile large, I love compliments like that.

I pull up to my apartment and I tell Julian I'll be right back. I run upstairs and go inside to change quickly. What should I wear? It's kind of a date, right? Hm.. I decide to put on a large blue flannel jacket that I took from my dad, a Smashing Pumpkins tee, ripped black skinny jeans and my high top white converse. I go into the bathroom and fix my eye makeup and hair. I put my hair in a messy bun and go and look at myself in the mirror. "Not bad, Ronnie. Not bad."

I walk out the door and started to head back to my car, I get in and sit down and look at Julian who is just looking at me hard. "What?" I ask and giggle.

"You just look super amazing. I like your sense of style." I blush. "Thanks Jules. I really dig your style too."

He runs his hand behind my head and pulls me towards him. He then plants a soft, deep kiss on my lips. We pull away. "So pizza place? I'm feeling hungry as hell." He smiles, "For sure, let's go!"

I drive to a Pizza Hut. We get out and I can already smell the pizza from the inside. I lean my head back and jokingly moan out, "Mmmm, fuuuck!" Julian looks at me quickly and laughs through his nose. But his eyes lingered on, I think he was thinking about how I would sound in a more serious situation, if you know what I mean.

We walk inside and grab a seat. They were having a pretty good selection for their buffet. We walked up and I grabbed three slices of pepporoni pizza, a bowl of cream cheese, and I also got a root beer. Julian grabs four slices of cheese pizza, some bread sticks, and a sprite.  We got back to our booth and sit down.

Usually, you would think that a girl should eat softly and take her time, but there is no shame in my game. I shoved two slices down my throat so fast and continued to swap in between the cream cheese and root beer.  When I finished my third slice I took my plate and got three more.  I was starving.  Julian just sat there, just now getting done with his second slice.

I look up at him with my face stuffed with food, "What?" I mumble.

He bursts out laughing like crazy.  "You really are one of a kind Ronnie.  Do you like pizza THAT much?"

I look at him, with a shocked expression, "Like? LIKE?" I leaned across the table and whispered in his ear, "I loooove pizza.  So fucking much." And leaned back down laughing.  His face was red, did I really affect him that easily?

The food was excellent.  When we finished we decided to go grab a movie from Blockbuster.  I ran in as soon as we got there and hurried to the horror section,  I picked out Friday the 13th. 

"You a fan of horror movies?" Julian asks me.  "But of course! Tis' my favorite genre!"  I wink at him and walk to the counter, pulling out my Blockbuster discount card.  "Come here a lot as well?"  He asks, smiling.  "Dude, I think movies are super rad and entertaining! Don't judge!"  I say as I nudge into him.  We get the movie and buy some popcorn and chips and head back to the hotel.

When we get back to the hotel we see that everyone is gone.  There is a note on the counter that says, "Finally got hungry as shit, might go the movies. Have a good time and be safe kids! - Albert". We giggled at the funny statement, especially since none of them know what happened earlier.  I lay down on the couch and wrap up in a huge blanket.

"Hurry Jules!!! I wanna cuddle and shit and watch you get scared!"  I hear nothing.  "Where is he?"  I thought to myself.  Out of no where two hands spring up and grab my shoulders, "FUCKING GODDAMMIT!" I shout.  Julian is laying on the floor laughing hysterically, "Yeah me getting scared, right! Hahahaha!"

I glare at him, "Oh shut the fuck up, asshole!"  He crawls up towards me and leans in, smirking, "Or what? what will you do about it?"  "I'll ignore you for the rest of the day!  I swear I'm not playing."  It's hard to act so serious around him, but I was doing good so far until..

He leaned in closer, I could feel his warm breath on my ear, "Are you sure about that, princess?"  Oh shit, I really like being called that by him for some reason.  His hand came up and he softly drug his fingertips from my jawline down to my collarbone. "I don't think you could last one second of this game."  Suddenly I feel him softly bite and suck my earlobe. "Nnnghh," I let out a fairly loud, short, moan.  Chills are covering my body.

He leans away grinning, "But you'll have to be a really bad girl for me to do something like that."  Before I could retaliate he stands up and goes to make popcorn.

"What in the world is happening to me?  I feel like jello.  I want him so bad, but I'll be damned if I break first.  I will make him go through with it first,"  I think to myself smiling.  He comes back and kisses me on the forehead and we start the movie, cuddling and waiting on our friends to get back home.

AN: Whew hey guys! Been a while! I'm sorry it's taken me so long. I've been under some stress with school and finals. But hopefully I can get back to writing this. Let me know what you think! Your opinions mean a bunch to me! Also, sorry if there are typos or anything of the sort, I typed it really fast on my phone! Have a good day!

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