The lost hunter

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After searching for a monster, Percy went looking for The Hunt. He had been having weird thoughts about Artemis and Piper. He was temped to go ask Aphrodite, but wasn't that desperate.

Percy then decided to Iris message Artemis to talk to her for the first time in three years. "Artemis!"

Artemis turned around, hearing Percy's voice. "Percy! Where the Hades have you been! You said that you would visit! It's been three years. Piper has been wondering where you are. She needs you." And then quietly she said, "I need you."

"I'll be there later today. I just need to go see Hestia about something real quick. I'm in an ally by the Empire State Building. Please don't come find me for a couple of hours. I still need just a little more time."

Tearing up a little Artemis replied," Ok. I'll see you in a little."

Smiling, Percy said, "Later, Arty." Swiping through the mist Percy went to the front desk. Dealing with the usual man there, he made his way up to Olympus. After walking through the city, Percy was greeted as a hero.

When he finally reached the throne room, he went over to the hearth. After waiting a couple of seconds, he called out to Hestia.

"Hello, Percy. What can I do for you?"

"I need some help. I have been having weird thoughts about Artemis and Piper. I think it might be love. I would go to Aphrodite, but I'd rather stay away from her. So I thought I would come visit my favorite goddess."

"OK. First off, we both know I'm not your favorite, that title goes to Galene. We all know you go sailing with her every week."

"Umm... No I don't?"

Hestia gave him a stern look that said, "Don't lie to me."

"OK. Maybe I do, but she's the one who started to invite me. I mean I'm a son of Poseidon, was I supposed to refuse or something."

"Yes you were. I'm sure she tried to flirt with you." Hestia said with one eyebrow raised.

"Actually, she didn't do any type of flirting. She actually helped me get over Annabeth. And her lap makes a pillow."

"Really? So what is she to you when?"

"She's like a big sister that would do anything for her little brother. Honestly the best part was just being able to talk to her for hours on end."

"That good. So when's your next trip?"

"No clue. We usually just plan it the day before. May see if we can go next weekend to the Caribbean."

"Can we get back on track? I know Artemis will be here in about thirty minutes to see you. And Piper is coming too."

"WHAT! Oh no. Oh no. They are going to kill me after Piper squeezes me half to death. I'm to young to die. and I would get to annoy Triton any more. And I wont get to say by to Galene. Tell her I'll miss her." All of a sudden the throne room doors burst open and in charges a brown haired bullet.

"Perseus Jackson!" Piper yelled," Where the Hades have you been?" After standing infront of him for a second, she broke down into tears. " I've been so scared. You never called or visited. When ever I tried to call Iris said you weren't taking calls. Luna's been so depressed lately. I've needed you for so long now. And now you aren't getting away. You're joining the Hunt whether you want to or not. And before you say anything, I've already talked to the rest of the hunters and they agree that you're aloud to join us. Now come on. Let's go talk to Artemis."

Walking over to Artemis, Percy said, "Umm... OK, I guess. I was already planning on joining you girls on hunts."

"Really! That's great."

"Hey Arty. How you been?"

"I've been fine, just bored without my favorite son of Poseidon."

"Well seeing as the only other option it Triton, that's not much of a competition."

"Yeah, well I need to get back to the hunt and make sure Luna hasn't pranked anyone again. Damn you for teaching her how to prank."

"Had to teach her something that she can do in the mortal world. Why not how to prank?"

"Yeah, well just wait until she sees you. I'd be surprised if she ever let you out of her sight again."

"I'm doomed, aren't I?"

"Yep. I even made her agree to only let me be alone with you and make sure you don't run off."

"Well that won't do. I'm going sailing next weekend with Galene and she was going to take me somewhere new."

"Who? She's not some mortal is she?" Piper asked this sounding a little jealous and looked hurt.

"No. She's the goddess of calm waters. She helped me get over Annabitch and let me vent my anger out at sea. "

"Oh," Piper said sadly. "So is she your girlfriend or something?"

"Oh gods no. I would never date her. She's like a big sister to me. That would be like dating Rhode." Percy said this quickly, looking slightly disturbed.

"Who's Rhode? Some other goddess of the sea that you know."

"Well she's my stepsister, daughter of Poseidon and Amphitrite. Uck. That would never happen."

Artemis decided to intervene here saying, "So just how many goddesses do you know?"

Looking very nervous, Percy said, "Umm... Most of them. They tend to ambush me with hugs. Mainly while I'm trying to sleep. They all have this crazy idea that I want to date them. I have had to literally separate some of them from each other so they don't kill me. Who knew it could be so hard to try and avoid a pantheon of Percy crazed goddesses. Heck the one time Hermes ran into me, and I mean literally ran into me, I hugged him because he was the first male greek god I'd seen in a week."

"When did you see Hermes?" asked Artemis.

"Umm... About two weeks ago. I made him swear not to tell anyone about seeing me though. And before you ask, it was so I could keep hidden from Selene."

"Who?" Piper asked.

Before Percy could respond Artemis answered, "She was the titan or the moon." Turning to Percy she said, "She was said to have faded long ago. How could you have seen her."

"I may have accidently been blessed by Chaos, the primordial goddess of creation. She said something about having the most pure soul ever. I can ask her if you want."

"WHAT! You know the creator of the UNIVERSE, and you can just casually call upon her. Why not bless someone worthy. Like me for example." Artemis was fuming at this point.

"I begged her not to. She was almost as stubbern as I was about the blessing. I told her I dont want it, but she still blessed me. Now I go around killing monsters and the occasinal crime boss. But as to how i saw Selene, I may have traveled to the Realm of the Faded. Its where Chaos lives with the rest of the Guardians."

Looking confused, Piper ask who he was he talking about, and if this Selene was his girlfriend.
"Ok. First, no Selene isn't my girlfriend. And also, Arty, the fact that you nominated yourself is why she didn't chose you or any of the gods. I begged her not to bless me and she still did. Now I don't know about you two, but I'm tired. And need to be ready to die tomorrow morning by your little Girl Scouts. So good night." With that Percy walked into his tent and went to sleep.

Ok so here's the first chapter of book two. Its been a while since I even looked at my account, so please no hate. I'm going to try and start writing more often.

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