Lost Champion

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As Percy woke up the next day, he was briefly confused as to where he was. When the events of the previous day came to him, he realized he had a bundle of brown hair on his shoulder. At first he was confused, then he remembered how Piper had shuffled in and asked if she could stay in here for the night. He agreed seeing as she was shivering cold in the tank top and short shorts she was wearing.

Percy P.O.V.

As she was laying next to me, she started shivering even more. I asked her if she was fine, and even though she said she was, I could tell she wasn't. Me being the kind person I am, pulled her closer to me. she seemed to almost snuggle into my chest. I could feel her be more at peace than when she first saw me that morning.

Although that's not saying much seeing as she was practically breaking down in my arms. As I was thinking of this, I could feel Piper stirring.

"Morning, Beauty Queen. "

"Morning, Fish breath."

"We should probably get going before the rest of the hunt thinks I kidnapped you or something."

Piper whined, "But you're so comfortable." Wrapping her arms around me, she said, "I'm not getting up anytime soon, so you'll have to carry me out."

Smirking, I said, "Ok. Hold on!" Standing up, I felt Piper wrap her legs around my waist as well. As I easily walked out the door, I realized I didn't have a shirt on. I told Piper this, and surprising, she just let go and waited for me to get my shirt on. Once I had it on, she climbed right back onto my front. Only this time arms around my neck and legs once again around my waist.

As soon as I stepped out of my tent, I realized something. I was on the side of the hunt where the hunters eat breakfast. And I had a hunter wrapped around my body at the moment. At least I had my hood down, so they could see it was the only man they respected. But then Thalia saw who it was. I realized that I was in big trouble.

"Hey. Pipes, I need you to let go unless you want to be struck by lightning."



"Ok. Have fun." At this she let go and calmly walked to the rest of the hunt. As I prepared to try and run, I smelt the telltale sign of lightning.

"Ow! DAMN IT, THALIA! That hurts." Whining and turning to Artemis, I said, "Moonbeam, Thalia stuck me with lightning. Do something."

"Thalia. You didn't do it hard enough if he's still conscious."

"Sorry, Lady Artemis. I'll try harder next time."

"What?!" Percy exclaimed. "I didn't do anything. She attacked me for no reason."

"Well, you did come out of your tent with Piper wrapped around you," Artemis pointed out. "At least no one else attacked you. May not have survived."

"I've literally been through hell. A little lightning is nothing." Percy walked over to Thalia, smirking slightly. "Hey Thals. Do you think I could beat you in a fight? I think I might be able to." As he walked past her, he grabbed a piece of sausage from her plate.

"Hey! Don't touch my food."

"Later. I'm gonna go scout ahead. I need to kill something."

As Percy ran off, everyone looked around wearily. They all thought the same thing. Did he just say he needed to kill something. And casually at that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2018 ⏰

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